magistrsko delo


Visokošolski učitelji in drugi, ki sodelujejo v pedagoškem procesu, igrajo pomembno vlogo pri zagotavljanju inkluzivnega in dostopnega visokošolskega izobraževanja. Raziskave kažejo, da na uspešnost študentov s posebnimi potrebami v visokem šolstvu pomembno vplivajo stališča in pripravljenost pedagoških delavcev za zagotavljanje in izvajanje prilagoditev. Bolj kot so stališča visokošolskih učiteljev do študentov s posebnimi potrebami in do prilagajanja študijskega procesa pozitivna, prej bodo pripravljeni prilagoditve tudi zagotavljati. Cilj magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšna so stališča visokošolskih učiteljev in sodelavcev na Univerzi v Ljubljani do posameznih skupin študentov s posebnimi potrebami in (ne)vidnosti njihovih primanjkljajev, kot tudi do zagotavljanja prilagoditev, potrebnih za njihov uspešen študij. V empirični raziskavi nas je posledično zanimalo, kakšna so stališča visokošolskih učiteljev in sodelavcev do študentov s posebnimi potrebami in glede na njihove vidne in nevidne primanjkljaje ter do prilagoditev in do nudenja prilagoditev študijskega procesa le-tem. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako visokošolski učitelji in sodelavci ocenjujejo svojo usposobljenost za poučevanje študentov s posebnimi potrebami (z vidnimi in nevidnimi primanjkljaji) ter kakšno (če sploh) podporo bi pri tem potrebovali. V raziskavi smo uporabili deskriptivno in kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo raziskovanja in kvantitativni in kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop. Oblikovali smo neslučajnostni vzorec visokošolskih učiteljev in sodelavcev, ki na Univerzi v Ljubljani sodelujejo v pedagoškem procesu. Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo elektronskega vprašalnika, oblikovanega za namen raziskave, na katerega se je odzvalo 323 oseb, kar predstavlja 5,2 % populacije visokošolskih učiteljev in sodelavcev Univerze v Ljubljani. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da imajo visokošolski učitelji in sodelavci večinoma pozitivna stališča do različnih skupin študentov s posebnimi potrebami ter do prilagajanja študijskega procesa le-tem. Izstopajo nekoliko bolj negativna stališča do študentov s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami, do slepih in slabovidnih študentov, študentov z motnjami avtističnega spektra ter gluhih in naglušnih študentov. Ugotavljamo tudi bolj negativna stališča do študentov z nevidnimi primanjkljaji v primerjavi s študenti z vidnimi, ki se kažejo kot nerazumevanje ali celo nepriznavanje posebnih izobraževalnih potreb. Stališča visokošolskih učiteljev in sodelavcev do študentov z vidnimi in nevidnimi primanjkljaji se pomembno razlikujejo tudi glede na usmeritev članice, na kateri poučujejo. Visokošolski učitelji, ki prihajajo s humanistično, družboslovno ali umetniško usmerjenih članic Univerze v Ljubljani, imajo bolj pozitivna stališča do študentov z vidnimi in nevidnimi primanjkljaji kot tisti, ki prihajajo z naravoslovno in tehniško usmerjenih članic Univerze v Ljubljani. Ugotavljamo tudi, da dolžina delovne dobe večinoma ne vpliva na stališča visokošolskih učiteljev in sodelavcev, temveč na bolj pozitivno samooceno poznavanja izobraževalnih potreb študentov s posebnimi potrebami in njihove usposobljenosti za poučevanje le-teh, v primerjavi s kolegi s krajšo delovno dobo. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da velika večina visokošolskih učiteljev in sodelavcev potrebuje podporo pri poučevanju in nudenju prilagoditev študentom s posebnimi potrebami.


vidni in nevidni primanjkljaji;inkluzivno visokošolsko izobraževanje;dostopno visokošolsko izobraževanje;Univerza v Ljubljani;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Ž. Jakšić Ivačič]
UDC: 376(043.2)
COBISS: 65562371 Link will open in a new window
Views: 201
Downloads: 17
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Self-assessment of competencies and attitudes of higher education teachers and associates towards teaching students with special needs
Secondary abstract: Higher education teachers and others involved in the pedagogical process play an important role in ensuring inclusive and accessible higher education. Research shows that the performance of students with special needs in higher education is significantly influenced by the attitudes and willingness of pedagogical staff to provide and implement adjustments of the study process. The more positive the attitudes of higher education teachers towards students with special needs and towards the adaptation of the study process, the likelier they will be willing to provide them. The aim of the master's thesis is to determine the attitudes of higher education teachers and associates at the University of Ljubljana towards individual groups of students with special needs and (in)visibility of their deficits, as well as to provide adjustments necessary for their success. In the empirical research, we were consequently interested in the attitudes of higher education teachers and associates towards students with special needs and in relation to their visible and invisible deficits, as well as to providing adaptations of the study process. We were also interested in how higher education teachers and associates assess their ability to teach students with special needs (with visible and invisible deficits) and what (if any) support they need. We used a descriptive and causal non-experimental research method and a quantitative and qualitative research approach. We chose a non-random sample of higher education teachers and associates who participate in the pedagogical process at the University of Ljubljana. The data were obtained with the help of an electronic questionnaire designed for the purpose of the survey, to which 323 people responded, which represents 5.2 % of the population of higher education teachers and associates of the University of Ljubljana. The results of the research showed that higher education teachers and associates mostly have positive attitudes towards different groups of students with special needs and towards adapting the study process to them. We discovered slightly more negative attitudes towards students with emotional and behavioural issues, blind and partially sighted students, students with autism spectrum disorders, and deaf and hard of hearing students. We also found more negative attitudes towards students with invisible deficits compared to students with visible ones, that manifests as a lack of understanding or even non-recognition of students’ special educational needs. The attitudes of higher education teachers and associates towards students with visible and invisible deficits also differ significantly depending on the orientation of the faculty they teach on. Higher education teachers who come from humanities, social sciences or arts-oriented faculties of the University of Ljubljana have more positive attitudes towards students with visible and invisible deficits than those who come from science and technology-oriented faculties of the University of Ljubljana. We also found that the length of years of service does not significantly affect the attitudes of higher education teachers and associates. The length of years of service does however result in more positive self-assessment of knowledge of the students educational needs and their ability to teach them, compared to colleagues with shorter length of years of service. It was also found that the vast majority of higher education teachers and associates need support in teaching and providing accommodations to students with special needs.
Secondary keywords: Visokošolski učitelji;Stališče (psihologija);Višji in visokošolski študij in poučevanje;Študenti;Osebe s posebnimi potrebami;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: XIX, 137 str.
ID: 13031886