magistrsko delo
Vida Peternelj (Author), Gregor Žvelc (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala, kako uporabniki spletnega foruma Mejna in narcisistična osebnostna motnja – za svojce opisujejo življenje s partnerjem z mejno osebnostno motnjo. V vzorec 92 besedil sem vključila uporabnike spletnega foruma, ki so do dne zbiranja podatkov objavili zapis svojega doživljanja. Besedila sem analizirala po vodilih utemeljene teorije. Iz 1163 enot kodiranja sem oblikovala deset glavnih kategorij s pripadajočimi 36 podkategorijami, na podlagi katerih sem razvila Model doživljanja partnerjev oseb z mejno osebnostno motnjo. Udeleženci opisujejo stisko, v katero jih spravlja verbalno, psihično in fizično nasilen partner. Zaradi partnerjevega nestabilnega in nepredvidljivega vedenja so negotovi in zmedeni, strah jih je fizičnega nasilja. Udeleženci se čutijo nemočne in strah jih je, kako nasilje vpliva na otroke. Svoj položaj pogosto doživljajo kot brezizhoden. Do partnerjev občutijo različna čustva, od sovraštva in jeze do naklonjenosti. Navajajo tudi občutek zapostavljenosti in pomanjkanje partnerjeve podpore. Tudi spoprijemajo se različno – nekateri z bolj proaktivnimi strategijami, drugi s pasivnimi. Z iskanjem informacij partnerji spoznavajo motnjo in nekateri ob tem doživijo olajšanje, drugi pa stisko. Udeleženci v zvezi vztrajajo iz več razlogov: zaradi otrok, ker so od partnerja odvisni, upajo na njegovo spremembo ali ker želijo rešiti odnos in partnerju pomagati. Nekateri udeleženci so razdvojeni. Četudi se zavedajo, da je vztrajanje v odnosu, polnem nasilja, škodljivo, v odnosu ostajajo.


mejna osebnostna motnja;medosebni odnosi;utemeljena teorija;nasilje v partnerskem odnosu;čustva;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [V. Peternelj]
UDC: 616.89-008.485:364.64(043.2)
COBISS: 98874627 Link will open in a new window
Views: 475
Downloads: 94
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Experiences of partners of individuals with borderline personality disorder
Secondary abstract: In my Master's thesis, I researched how users of the Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorder – for Relatives online forum describe life with a partner suffering from borderline personality disorder. The data which I had collected allowed for a creation of a sample of online forum users who posted a record of their life experience with a partner with borderline personality disorder. Following the guidelines of grounded theory, I analyzed 92 texts. From 1163 coding units, I formed ten main categories with 36 corresponding subcategories, which were then used as a base for the development of the Experience of Partners of Persons with Borderline Personality Disorder Model. Participants describe the distress they are exposed to when living with a verbally, mentally, and physically abusive partner. They are insecure and confused because of their partner’s unstable and unpredictable behavior and are afraid of physical violence. Because of the partner’s violent behavior, participants feel powerless and are afraid of how the violence affects the children. They often experience their situation as hopeless. They experience a specter of emotions towards their partners, ranging from hatred and anger to affection. They also cite feelings of neglect and lack of support. Their coping strategies are different – some use more proactive strategies, others passive ones. By seeking information, partners learn about the disorder and experience either relief or distress. Participants persist in a relationship for several reasons: for the sake of their children, who dependend on their support and care, their hope that their partner will change, and their ambition to save the relationship and help the partner. Some participants are indecisive about staying in a relationship. Even though some are aware that persisting in a relationship full of violence is harmful, they, nevertheless, remain in its vicious circle.
Secondary keywords: borderline personality disorder;interpersonal relationships;grounded theory;intimate partner violence;emotions;masters theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: 74 str.
ID: 13085153
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