magistrsko diplomsko delo
Spolna zloraba otrok je tema, ki ji je vsako leto namenjena vedno večja pozornost. Spolne zlorabe sicer ne moremo opredeliti zgolj z eno samo definicijo, saj je definirana glede na področje, ki se z njo ukvarja, vendar v grobem lahko rečemo, da gre za fizično prevlado odrasle osebe nad otrokom s pretežno spolno vsebino. V začetnem delu magistrskega diplomskega dela predstavim definicijo spolne zlorabe, njen kratek zgodovinski razvoj ter umestitev v trenutno veljavni Kazenski zakonik. V nadaljevanju na kratko predstavim tri glavne mednarodne dokumente s področja varstva otrokovih pravic v evropskem mednarodnem prostoru. Tretje poglavje predstavlja osrednji del magistrske naloge, kjer ugotavljam in opišem poglavitne vzroke, ki so pripeljali do potrebe po sprejemu Zakona o zaščiti otrok v kazenskem postopku in njihovi celostni obravnavi v Hiši za otroke. Problematika neustrezno urejenega položaja otrok in mladoletnikov v Zakonu o kazenskem postopku ni nova, temveč se na diskriminatorno obravnavo oškodovancev in prič kaznivega dejanja spolne zlorabe, prepogosto zasliševanje in posledično pojav negativnih učinkov sekundarne viktimizacije ter neustrezno strokovno usposobljenost tistih, ki opravljajo zaslišanja otrok, opozarja že dlje časa. Magistrska naloga pripomore k lažjemu razumevanju, zakaj je bilo obravnavano področje treba preurediti in sprejeti popolnoma nove ukrepe za zaščito otrokovih največjih koristi. Zakon o zaščiti otrok v kazenskem postopku in njihovi celostni obravnavi v Hiši za otroke predstavim v zadnjem delu naloge, kjer prav tako opišem razvoj prve varne hiše s področja spolnih zlorab v Združenih državah Amerike in predstavim evropski projekt Barnahus. Magistrsko diplomsko delo zaključim s skokom v prakso, kjer mi trije strokovnjaki v pogovoru predstavijo in orišejo realno sliko obravnavane tematike v praksi.
spolna zloraba;otrok žrtev;otrok priča;sekundarna viktimizacija;(pred)kazenski postopek;Zakon o zaščiti otrok v kazenskem postopku;celostna obravnava v Hiši za otroke;magistrske diplomske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2021 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PF - Faculty of Law |
Publisher: |
[K. Domadenik] |
UDC: |
343(043.2) |
Views: |
405 |
Downloads: |
82 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Examination of juvenile victims and juvenile witnesses in criminal proceedings for criminal offences against sexual integrity |
Secondary abstract: |
Child sexual abuse is a subject that has been receiving increasing attention every year. Sexual abuse fails to be encompassed by a single definition. However, as defined in terms of the field dealing with it, it can be roughly stated that it is a physical domination of an adult over a child with predominantly sexual content. The introductory part of the master’s thesis provides the definition of sexual abuse, its brief historical development, and its position in the Slovenian Criminal Code currently in force. A concise introduction follows presenting the three main international documents in the protection of the rights of the child in the European international space. Chapter three is the core part of the master’s thesis, where the author identifies and describes the main reasons leading to the need in Slovenia to adopt the Protection of Children in Criminal Procedure and their Comprehensive Treatment in Children’s House Act. The issue of the inadequately regulated situation of children and minors in the Slovenian Criminal Procedure Act is not new, but for a long time, warnings had been voiced on the discriminatory treatment of victims and witnesses of the criminal offence of sexual abuse, too frequent interrogation, and the consequent occurrence of adverse effects of secondary victimisation and inadequate professional training. The master’s thesis aims at contributing to better understanding why the field in question needed a rearrangement and wholly new measures to be taken to protect the best interests of the child. The Protection of Children in Criminal Procedure and their Comprehensive Treatment in Children’s House Act is presented in the last part of the thesis, where the author also describes the development of the first safe house in the field of sexual abuse in the United States and presents the European project Barnahus. The master’s thesis is concluded by an insight into practice, where three experts, through interviews, outline a realistic situation of the issue in practice. |
Secondary keywords: |
sexual abuse;child victim;child witness;secondary victimisation;(pre)trial proceedings;Protection of Children in Criminal Procedure;Comprehensive Treatment in Children's House Act; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak. |
Pages: |
II, 47 f. |
ID: |
13116236 |