magistrsko delo
Monika Marn (Avtor), Zlatko Dežman (Mentor), Suzana Kraljić (Komentor)


Vse odrasle osebe, ki prihajajo v stik z otrokom, ki je žrtev kaznivega dejanja, so dolžne poskrbeti, da se mu po tem, ko je travmatiziran že zaradi samega kaznivega dejanja, ne povzročajo še dodatne travme, do katerih bi prišlo zaradi podoživljanja dogodka v kazenskem postopku. Kadar otrok pred sodiščem nastopa kot priča - žrtev, je navadno prav on edina relevantna priča, na podlagi izpovedbe katere bodo izdane bodisi oprostilne bodisi obsodilne sodbe. Kot priča je lahko otrok zaslišan pri katerikoli starosti, pomembno je le, da je sposoben pričati. Da bo postopek na njem pustil najmanj možnih negativnih posledic, je treba poskrbeti ne le med postopkom, ampak že prej. Brž ko se storjeno dejanje odkrije, je treba otroka na njemu primeren način temeljito informirati o tem, kaj ga čaka, ter ga na zaslišanje psihično pripraviti, kar naj bi primarno bila naloga staršev oziroma skrbnikov. Pomembno je, da čuti podporo pooblaščenca, morebitnega zagovornika in drugih oseb, ki so mu blizu, ter da se med njimi vzpostavi trden in zaupljiv odnos. Zelo pomembno, morda celo bistveno vlogo ima pri zaslišanju zasliševalec (sodnik ali drug strokovnjak), ki mora imeti čut za delo z otroki ter za način, na katerega bo zaslišanje izvedel, pri čemer je poleg strokovnega znanja pomembno tudi obvladovanje veščin komuniciranja z otroki in poznavanje odzivanja v posameznih razvojnih stopnjah. Manjše število obravnav in skrajšanje postopka, otrokom prilagojen prostor, nenavzočnost javnosti in obdolženca med zaslišanjem in prisotnost osebe, ki ji otrok zaupa, so bistveni dejavniki, ki pripomorejo k zmanjšanju sekundarne viktimizacije. Poleg tega k zmanjšanju travmatičnosti in hkrati k učinkovitosti postopka pripomorejo še za delo z otroki posebej usposobljeni strokovnjaki, večdisciplinarno sodelovanje, namenjeno celostni obravnavi otroka žrtve, uporaba orodij za zaslišanje, ki otroku pomagajo ubesediti doživeto, zasliševalcu pa lažje razumeti, sprememba dokaznih pravil ter uporaba avdiovideo tehnologije. Za ustrezno zaščito je nujno poskrbeti med postopkom in tudi po njem, še zlasti, kadar otrok ostaja povezan s storilcem.

Ključne besede

kazenski postopek;zaslišanje;otrok priča;otrok žrtev;sekundarna viktimizacija;spolna zloraba;nasilje v družini;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: M. Marn]
UDK: 343.143(043.3)
COBISS: 5753131 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1015
Št. prenosov: 233
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Child witness - wictim in criminal proceedings
Sekundarni povzetek: Every adult in contact with a child that was a victim of a crime is responsible to take care of them, so there are no additional traumas caused by reliving the event at the proceeding itself. When a child is represented as a witness%victim, their testimony will usually shape the verdict. A child can be interrogated as a witness at any age, providing they are capable of doing so. In order for the proceeding to have the least negative consequences, the child has to be taken care of not only during the proceeding but also before it. As soon as the crime has been discovered, it is necessary that the child is informed about what they can expect and be mentally prepared, which is the primary role of the parent or caretakers. It is important that they feel the support of the representative, possible attorney and other people who are close to them, so a stable relationship of trust can be built. A very important role at the hearing, maybe even the most crucial one, is performed by the interrogator (the judge or another professional), who understands how to deal with children and the hearing, where not only the professional knowledge is used, but he also has the knowledge on how to handle and communicate with children in different development stages. A smaller amount of proceedings, the reduction of the proceeding itself, adapting the room to the child, avoiding public presence and the presence of the accused, as well as the presence of a person the child trusts are crucial factors which reduce the effect of secondary victimization. For the reduction of traumatization and the effectiveness of the proceeding, several factors are key, such as professionals, who are qualified to work with children, multidisciplinary cooperation, which help treat the child-victims, the use of interrogation tools, which help the child describe the events and help the interrogator understand better, the change of evidence rules and audio-video technology. The proper security needs to be present during the proceeding and after the proceeding, especially if the child keeps connected with the offender.
Sekundarne ključne besede: criminal proceeding;testimony;child victim;child witness;secondary victimization;sexual abuse;violence in the family;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: 57 f.
ID: 11163467