diplomsko delo
Zvestoba znamki je izjemno pomembna za dolgoročen uspeh znamke in je eden od najpomembnejših ciljev, ki jih znamka lahko doseže v odnosu do porabnika. Pregled literature je pokazal, da je zvestobo smiselno preučevati kot dvodimenzionalni pojav, sestavljen iz stališčne in vedenjske zvestobe, ter da je pomemben vidik znotraj zvestobe tudi njena prekinitev. Ugotovila sem, da na prekinitev zvestobe lahko vplivajo številni dejavniki, na trgu kozmetike pa se je še posebej relevantno posvetiti umiku izdelka iz asortimana znamke, ki predstavlja eno od pogostih praks pri kozmetičnih znamkah. V empiričnem delu naloge sem se zato osredotočila na raziskovanje tega, kako ponavljanje nakupov iz čustvene zavezanosti in iz navade ob umiku izdelka iz asortimana znamke vpliva na verjetnost menjave znamke ter na verjetnost širjenja negativnih govoric. Skozi analizo sem želela ugotoviti, ali umik izdelka iz asortimana znamke bolj in manj zvestim porabnikom predstavlja dovolj velik razlog za prekinitev zvestobe znamki ter jih spodbudi k širjenju negativnih govoric. Rezultati lastne raziskave so pokazali, da bi se porabniki, ki nakupe ponavljajo zaradi čustvene zavezanosti znamki, kljub umiku izdelka iz asortimana kozmetične znamke še vedno raje potrudili poiskati podoben izdelek iste znamke, kot da bi podoben izdelek iskali pri konkurenčnih ponudnikih. Kaže se, da bi porabniki, ki nakupe ponavljajo iz navade, bolj verjetno premislili tudi o nakupu izdelka konkurenčnega ponudnika, medtem ko čustveno zavezani porabniki tega skoraj zagotovo ne bi storili. Rezultati so pokazali še, da umik izdelka iz asortimana znamke tudi ne predstavlja situacije, ki bi v porabnikih sprožila širjenje negativnih govoric.
zvestoba znamki;zvestoba porabnika;menjava znamke;kozmetična industrija;govorice;Diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2021 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences |
Publisher: |
[T. Roškar] |
UDC: |
366(043.2) |
Views: |
262 |
Downloads: |
41 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Consumer loyalty to the cosmetic brand due to the withdrawal of the product from the brand's assortment |
Secondary abstract: |
Brand loyalty is crucial for the long-term success of the brand as one of the most important goals a brand can achieve concerning the consumer. Literature review has shown that loyalty should have been studied as a two-dimensional phenomenon consisting of attitudinal and behavioural loyalty. Another important aspect of loyalty is its termination. Termination can be influenced by numerous factors, particularly by withdrawing a product from the brand's assortment, especially within the cosmetics market, where this is a common practice. In the empirical part of the thesis, I have focused on exploring how attitudinal and behavioural repeating purchases affect the likelihood of brand change and the spread of negative rumours due to the withdrawal of the product from the brand assortment. Throughout the analysis, I wanted to determine whether the withdrawal of the product from the brands assortment to more and less loyal consumers is a sufficient reason to switch the brand and encourage them to spread negative rumours. The results of my research have shown that consumers who repeat purchases due to emotional commitment to the brand would still try to find a similar product within the same brand rather than look for a similar product from competitors. It appears that consumers who repeat purchases out of habit would also be more likely to consider switching the brand, while emotionally committed consumers would almost certainly not do so. The results also showed that the withdrawal does not represent a situation that would trigger the spread of negative word-of-mouth among consumers. |
Secondary keywords: |
brand loyalty;consumer loyalty;brand switching;cosmetic industry;word-of-mouth;Lepotna nega;Beauty culture;Vedenje potrošnikov;Consumer behavior;Izbira blagovne znamke;Brand choice;Graduate theses; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede |
Pages: |
74 str. |
ID: |
13116253 |