diplomsko delo
Nastja Podržaj (Author), Polonca Kovač (Mentor)


Upravni postopek je po zakonu urejen postopek in vsebuje procesna pravila, po katerih se morajo ravnati vsi organi, ki odločajo o pravicah, obveznostih ali pravnih koristih posameznikov in tudi pravnih oseb. Zakon, ki ureja upravni postopek je Zakon o splošnem upravnem postopku. Upravni postopek poteka skozi različne faze. Ena izmed faz je dokazni postopek, ki predstavlja zbiranje dejstev in izbiro dokaznega sredstva glede na dokazno moč. Zakon o splošnem upravnem postopku ureja naslednja dokazna sredstva: listine, priče, izjavo stranke, izvedence in ogled. Ta dokazna sredstva niso edina, saj se lahko kot dokaz uporabi vse, kar pripomore k ugotovitvi dejanskega stanja, a se sredstva iz zakona najpogosteje uporabljajo, zato jim zakon tudi ureja način njihovega izvajanja. Namen dokazovanja je torej determinirati resnično stanje določene zadeve in o njej izdati zakonito in pravilno odločbo. V primeru, da se relevantna dejstva ne izkažejo za resnična, bo izdana odločba predvidoma napačna. V diplomskem delu je v ospredju opredelitev dokazovanja v upravnem postopku, saj gre tu za zanimiv preplet pravil in konkretnih dejstev določenega primera. Cilji so bili predvsem preučiti upravni postopek ter celovito analizirati dokazovanje po Zakonu o splošnem upravnem postopku. Pri pisanju diplomske naloge so bile v pomoč različne metode, kot so opisna metoda, normativna metoda, metoda študije primerov in metoda sinteze in vrednotenja. Z raziskovanjem sem prišla do spoznanja, da je v praksi mnogo dilem in sporov glede področja dokazovanja in se pojavljajo problemi predvsem pri razvrščanju dokaznih sredstev po njihovi dokazni moči. S čimer sem tudi uspela zavrniti in potrditi hipotezi.


upravni postopek;privatizacija v upravnih postopkih;dokazovanje v upravnem postopku;dokazna sredstva;listine;priče;izjava stranke;izvedenci;ogled;zakonitost pri dokazovanju;analiza sodne prakse;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FU - Faculty of Administration
Publisher: [N. Podržaj]
UDC: 3.077.3:343.143
COBISS: 70479619 Link will open in a new window
Views: 387
Downloads: 94
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The issue of providing proofs in an administrative procedure
Secondary abstract: Administrative procedure is a regulated process and contains procedural rules that must be followed by all authorities deciding on the rights, obligations or legal benefits of individuals and legal persons. The law govering administrative procedure is the General Administrative Procedure Act. The administrative procedure goes through different stages. One of the stages is the evidentiary process, which is the process of gathering facts and choosing the evidence on the basis of its strength. The General Administrative Procedure Act regulates the following means of proof: documents, witnesses, client's statements, experts and inspection. These are not the only means of proof, as anything can be used as evidence to establish the facts, but they are the most commonly used means under the law which as well regulates how they are used. The purpose of evidence is therefore to establish the true state of a matter and to give a lawful and correct decision on it. If it occurs that the relevant facts are not correct, the decision is likely to be wrong. The focus of the thesis is on the definition of evidence in administrative proceedings, as this is an interesting interplay of rules and concrete facts in a given case. The objectives were to examine the administrative procedure and to analyse the evidence under the General Administrative Procedure Act in a comprehensive way. Various methods were used to write the thesis, such as the descriptive method, the normative method, the case study method and the synthesis and evaluation method. All these methods have contributed to research in the field. Through my research, I have discovered that in practice there are many dilemmas and disputes in the field of evidence. In additions, in practice the problems arise mainly in the classification of evidence according to its probative value. This also allowed me to reject and confirm my hypothesis.
Secondary keywords: administrative procedure;privatisation in administrative proceedings;evidence in administrative procedure;evidence;documents;witnesses;client' statement;expert;inspection;legality of evidence;analysis of case law;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000530
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za upravo
Pages: X, 55 str.
ID: 13137051