delo diplomskega projekta
Maša Škorjanc (Author), Jernej Belak (Mentor)


Organizacijam je za uspešno poslovanje, doseganje zastavljenih ciljev ter rast ključnega pomena ustrezno zastavljena politika podjetja, ta opredeljuje splošne in temeljne dolgoročnejše značilnosti podjetja. Na njeno oblikovanje imajo vpliv interesi, etika, kultura in filozofija pomembnejših udeležencev. Politika podjetja vključuje oblikovano vizijo, poslanstvo, namen obstajanja ter vrednote organizacije, te sestavine so ključne za uspešno izvajanje procesa vodenja in upravljanja organizacije. Politika podjetja se uresničuje na ravni strateškega managementa njeno izvajanje je potrebno kontrolirati. Slovenska podjetja se zavedajo odvisnosti od svojih zaposlenih, okolja, skupnosti, poslovnih partnerjev in dobrega vodenja. To spoznanje je prisililo organizacije, da se zavedajo pomena družbene odgovornosti v obliki vplivov, ki jih imajo s svojim poslovanjem na družbo. Zaradi družbene odgovornosti organizacije upoštevajo soodvisnost z družbo ter z uravnoteženim poslovanjem na vseh ključnih področjih izkazujejo vložen trud. Organizacije so v zadnjih desetletjih pričele velik delež investicij namenjati trajnostnem razvoju. Po letu 2017 so zaradi prenosa Direktive 2014/95/EU z novelo Zakona o gospodarskih družbah (ZGD-1J) organizacije, ki kotirajo na borzi dolžne prikazovati informacije o okoljskih, družbenih, ekonomskih, upravljalskih učinkih ter o vplivih teh na samo delovanje organizacije. Poročanje o družbeni odgovornosti in trajnostnem razvoju služi organizacijam kot graditelj na zaupanju obstoječih in potencialnih udeležencev podjetja, naj bo to kupec, zaposleni ali poslovni partner. Za neuspeh organizacij je velikokrat krivo neskladje politike podjetja z izjavo o nefinančnem poslovanju, saj podjetja ne aplicirajo zadane vizije, poslanstva, smotra ter temeljnih ciljev v izvajanje družbene odgovornosti in trajnostnega razvoja. Nefinančna poročila pomagajo podjetjem s pomočjo merljivih učinkov spremljati uspešnost poslovanja organizacije in vplive na trajnostni razvoj. V diplomskem projektu zgoraj omenjene pojme bolje spoznamo na osnovi teorije, nato ugotovitve utemeljimo na primeru slovenskega podjetja Telekom Slovenije, d.d. V raziskovalnem delu spoznamo način poslovanja organizacije ter na podlagi letnega poročila za leto 2019 in 2020 ugotovimo načine izvajanja družbene odgovornosti na podlagi okoljske, družbene in kadrovske politike. Kot celovit zaključek diplomskega projekta podamo ugotovitve analizie skladnosti politike podjetja z izjavo o nefinančnem poslovanju organizacije.


politika podjetja;nefinančno poslovanje;nefinančno poročanje;trajnostni razvoj;družbena odgovornost;raznolikost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: M. Škorjanc
UDC: 005.4
COBISS: 83569155 Link will open in a new window
Views: 287
Downloads: 26
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Compliance of the statement on non-financial operations with the company's policy in the case of Telekom Slovenije, join stock company
Secondary abstract: For the purpose of successful business, achievement of the set goals and growth, the company's appropriately set policy is crucial, which defines the general and fundamental long-term characteristics of the company. Its design is influenced by the interests, ethics, culture and philosophy of the major participants. The company's policy includes the established vision, mission, purpose of the organization and the values of the organization, these components are key to the successful implementation of the organization's management and management process. The company's policy is implemented at the level of strategic management and its implementation needs to be controlled. Slovenian companies are aware of their dependence on their employees, the environment, the community, business partners and good management. This knowledge has forced organisations to be aware of the importance of social responsibility in the form of the impact they have on society. For reasons of social responsibility, organisations take into account interdependence with society and demonstrate the efforts made in all key areas. In recent decades, organisations have started to devote a large proportion of their investments to sustainable development. After 2017, as a result of the transposition of Directive 2014/95/EU, the new Company Act (ZGD-1J) makes listed organisations obliged to provide information on the environmental, social, economic, management effects and on the effects of them on the organisation's activities itself. Reporting on social responsibility and sustainable development serves organizations as a builder on the trust of existing and potential participants of the company, be it a customer, employee or business partner. The failure of organisations is often blamed on the inconsistency of the company's policy with the non-financial statement, as companies do not implement the vision, mission, pitch and fundamental objectives of the implementation of social responsibility and sustainable development. Non-financial reports help companies monitor the performance of the organisation's operations and impacts on sustainable development through measurable effects. In the thesis project, the above mentioned terms are better known on the basis of theory, then we base our findings on the case of the Slovenian company Telekom Slovenije, join-stock company in the research work we learn about the way the organization works and, on the basis of the 2019 and 2020 annual report, we find ways of implementing social responsibility on the basis of environmental, social and human resources policy. As a comprehensive conclusion of the thesis project we give the findings of the analysis of the compliance of the company's policy with the statement of non-financial management of the organization.
Secondary keywords: company policy;non-financial reporting;sustainable development;diversity policy;corporate social responsibility;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 51 str.
ID: 13164589