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Pia Lara Kovačič (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Upravljanje s spremembami je pogosto odločilni dejavnik med uspehom in neuspehom pri projektih uvedbe CRM rešitve. CRM si prizadeva, da bi bila celotna organizacija osredotočena na stranke, ta nov sistem pa zahteva sistemske spremembe v celotni organizaciji. Uvedba CRM rešitve je kompleksen projekt, ki vpliva na vsa področja, procese in zaposlene v podjetju ter zahteva veliko energije, časa in denarja za uspešno uvedbo in učinkovito uporabo. Ker je uvedba CRM rešitve v organizacijo velika sprememba, ki pomeni premik iz ustaljenih načinov dela k novim načinom poslovanja, ki zahtevajo, da zaposleni prevzamejo nova znanja in prakse, se mora vodstvo pogosto soočiti z odporom zaposlenih do teh sprememb. Spremembe, ki jih v organizacijo prinese uvedba CRM rešitve, vplivajo tudi na delovna mesta zaposlenih, na njihovo moč, vpliv in prestiž v organizaciji. Vsi ti dejavniki dodatno prispevajo k odporu in nesprejetju CRM rešitve s strani zaposlenih. Strukturirano upravljanje s spremembami lahko olajša uvedbo CRM rešitve in jo približa uporabnikom. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na CRM rešitve, upravljanje s spremembami in predvsem na to, kakšen vpliv ima izvajanje upravljanja s spremembami pri uvedbi CRM rešitve. Pri upravljanju s spremembami lahko organizacijam pomagajo številni modeli. V magistrskem delu smo opisali pet modelov upravljanja s spremembami, ki se med seboj v določenih elementih prepletajo, v drugih pa so si popolnoma različni. Na podlagi preučene literature in virov ter analize študij primerov treh podjetij, ki so uvajala CRM rešitev, lahko rečemo, da so usmeritev poslovnih procesov v stranke, vključitev in podpora vodstva, interna marketinška kampanja in sodelovanje uporabnikov pri uvedbi ter njihovo usposabljanje dejavniki, ki odločilno vplivajo na uspeh pri uvedbi CRM rešitve.


poslovna informatika;informacijske rešitve;CRM;upravljanje odnosov s strankami;organizacijske spremembe;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: P. L. Kovačič
UDC: 004.77
COBISS: 81942531 Link will open in a new window
Views: 313
Downloads: 41
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂuse of change management in CRM solution implementation
Secondary abstract: Change management is often the decisive factor between success and failure in projects implementing CRM solutions. CRM strives to make the entire organization customer-focused, and this new system requires systemic changes throughout the organization. The implementation of a CRM solution is a complex project that affects all areas, processes and people in the enterprise and requires a lot of energy, time and money for successful implementation and efficient usage. Because the introduction of a CRM solution in an organization is a major change, shifting from established ways of working to new ways of doing business that require employees to adopt new knowledge and practices, management often has to face employee resistance to these changes. The changes brought to the organization by the introduction of the CRM solution also affect the jobs of employees, their power, influence and prestige in the organization. All these factors further contribute to the CRM solution resistance by employees. Structured change management can mitigate the deployment of a CRM solution and bring it closer to end users. In the master's thesis we focused on a CRM solution, change management and above all on the impact of applicating change management in the implementation of CRM solution. Many change management models can help organizations manage change. In the master's thesis, we described five change management models, which are intertwined in certain elements, but in others they are completely different. Based on the studied source literature and the case studies analysis of three companies that implemented CRM solutions we can say that directing business processes to focus on the customers, involvement and support of top management, internal marketing campaign and end user cooperation in the implementation and their training are factors that have decisive impact on the success of implementing CRM system.
Secondary keywords: CRM;organizational changes;change management;resistance to change;CRM adoption.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 95 str.
ID: 13293471