diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Jernej Jereb (Author), Tone Lerher (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali problem, ki se pojavlja pri oskrbovanju montažnih celic v izbranem podjetju. V obstoječem stanju je operater na montažno celico prejel komponente v plastičnih zabojih, ki so bili naloženi drug na drugega na plastični paleti, zato jih je moral najprej preložiti s palete na svojo delovno mizo, pri čemer se je moral tudi sklanjati. Vsak zaboj posebej je moral odpreti in iz njega zložiti komponente za sestavo izdelka. Pred raziskavo smo se vprašali, kako bi ta nekoristni in nepotrebni čas operaterja v montaži skrajšali. Pri raziskavi smo postavili hipotezo, da se bo z uvedbo koncepta kompletiranja komponent (ang. kitting) in s tem povezano oskrbo montažne celice skrajšal čas priprave na sestavo izdelka. Najprej smo proučili teorijo s področja notranje logistike, komisioniranja in kompletiranja. Pri tem smo povzeli ugotovitve in zaključke avtorjev, ki so raziskovali podobne tematike. Med pogovorom z zaposlenimi in z opazovanjem procesa smo izvedeli informacije o obstoječem stanju in možne predloge iz prakse. Z metodo merjenja smo pridobili podatke o časovnem trajanju opazovanih procesov. Pri tem smo izmerili čas trajanja priprave komponent, oskrbe montažne celice in priprave komponent pred montažo. Z analizo obstoječega stanja in stanja po morebitni uvedbi koncepta kompletiranja ter medsebojno primerjavo smo potrdili hipotezo, da se z uvedbo procesa kompletiranja komponent (ang. kitting) in s tem povezano oskrbo montažne celice skrajša čas priprave na montažo izdelka. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da bi se z uvedbo kompletiranja pri obstoječem tlorisu skladišča z obstoječimi regali, z obstoječo embalažo in z obstoječim načinom nabiranja komponent znatno povečal čas in podaljšala pot komisionarja pri komisioniranju komponent, saj bi moral komisionar tolikokrat prehoditi enako komisionirano pot, za kolikor končnih kosov bi bil kreiran delovni nalog. S tem smo tudi potrdili drugo hipotezo, s katero smo trdili, da se bo z uvedbo koncepta kompletiranja komponent (ang. kitting) in s tem povezano oskrbo montažne celice povečal čas komisioniranja oz. priprave komponent v obstoječem skladišču komponent z obstoječo opremo in načinom poslovanja.


komisioniranje;montaža;intralogistika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [J. Jereb]
UDC: 338
COBISS: 77706499 Link will open in a new window
Views: 249
Downloads: 43
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Improving of assembly line supply in poclain hydraulics d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: In this paper, we discussed a problem that arises in the process of assembly cell feeding in a selected company. In the existing state, the operator in assembly receives assembling components in plastic boxes, stacked on top of each other on a plastic pallet. First, they must transfer the boxes from the pallet to their workbench, also having to bend. Each box must then be opened separately and components for product assembly must be unpacked. Prior to the research, we wanted to determine how this inefficient process of the operator in assembly could be shortened. In the research, we hypothesized that the implementation of the kitting concept as a lean concept and the associated assembly cell feeding would shorten the preparation time for product assembly. We first studied the theory in the field of intralogistics, order picking and kitting. In doing so, we summarized findings and conclusions of authors who researched similar topics. By talking to employees and observing the process, we determined the current situation and we were offered possible suggestions from practice. Using the measurement method, we obtained data regarding the duration of the observed processes. We measured the duration of order picking, assembly cell feeding and preparation of components before their assembly. By analysing and comparing the existing situation and the situation after potential implementation of the kitting concept, we confirmed that the implementation of the kitting concept and the associated assembly cell feeding shortens the preparation time for product assembly. We also found out that the implementation of the kitting concept in the existing warehouse layout with the existing racks, the existing type of packaging and the existing component picking approach would significantly increase picking time as well as lengthen the picking route, as the picker would have to walk the same picking route as many times as there are finish products and work orders created for them. Therefore, we also confirmed the second hypothesis, stating that the implementation of the kitting concept and the associated assembly cell feeding would increase the picking time and the preparation of components in the existing warehouse with the existing equipment and the existing type of warehouse management.
Secondary keywords: intralogistics;order picking;assembly feeding;kitting;milk run;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: VIII, 48 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 13309190
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