magistrsko delo
Sara Kremsar (Author), Tomaž Kern (Mentor)


Organizacije morajo biti za uspešno poslovanje prepoznavne in morajo obvladovati določen del trga. Današnji trg je preplavljen s ponudniki vseh vrst izdelkov in storitev. Tolikšna zasičenost trga pa daje strankam možnost izbire in sprejemanja odločitve, kateremu ponudniku bodo namenile svoja sredstva. Organizacije tako med seboj neprestano tekmujejo, da bi dosegle pozornost stranke ter ji nudile čim ustreznejše izdelke ali storitve. Podjetja, delujoča v informacijskotehnološki (IT) panogi, sploh ponudniki poslovnih informacijskih rešitev, so še posebej podvržena razkoraku med »Product-Driven« in »Customer-Driven« usmeritvijo. Podjetja, delujoča v IT-panogi, so v zadnjem času zaradi hitrega razvoja in širjenja novih tehnologij pod stalnim pritiskom, da ohranjajo konkurenčno prednost na trgu. Problem in trenutni izziv organizacij se kažeta v določanju učinkovitega razmerja med prakticiranjem »Customer-Driven« aktivnosti, usmerjenih v blaginjo stranke, ter »Product-Driven« aktivnosti, ki so usmerjene v rast in donosnost organizacije. Angleške pojme smo razložili v pojmovniku ter slovarju najpogostejših angleških izrazov na koncu magistrskega dela. Za reševanje omenjenega izziva organizacije uporabljajo poslovni model, ki je osredotočen na zagotavljanje potreb in želja strank. Osredotočenost na stranke, če je pravilno izvedena, lahko privede do večjega zadovoljstva strank, kar posledično vodi do večje poslovne uspešnosti. »Customer-Driven« procesna usmerjenost podjetja se kaže v različnih oblikah, od vpeljave nove tehnologije do pridobivanja povratnih informacij ter izgradnje odnosov s strankami. Danes številne organizacije prehajajo skozi digitalno preobrazbo, kar je prvi korak k temu, da postanejo bolj osredotočene na svoje stranke. V magistrskem delu je predstavljena razlika med pristopom, usmerjenim k razvoju produkta in rasti ter donosnosti organizacije, in pristopom, usmerjenim k potrebam in željam strank. Podan je predlog vzpostavitve CDP (akronim, razložen v uvodu magistrske naloge) na realnem primeru, ki vsebuje sklope in faze vpeljave. Izdelan je modelni prikaz izbranih procesov želenega stanja (»TO-BE«) z upoštevanjem lastnosti »Customer-Driven« pristopa. Prav tako je v magistrski nalogi definiran način določanja stopnje, do katere je smiselno procese prilagajati potrebam in željam strank. Rezultati magistrske naloge so posnetek stanja, izvedene analize, verificirani rezultati ter odgovori na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Magistrska naloga lahko služi kot pomoč ostalim podjetjem, ki se bodo v prihodnje želela pod podobnimi pogoji preoblikovati iz »Product-Driven« usmerjenega poslovanja v »Customer-Driven« usmerjeno poslovanje.


poslovni procesi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [S. Kremsar]
UDC: 005.8
COBISS: 86184451 Link will open in a new window
Views: 266
Downloads: 41
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The importance of introducing customer driven processes in the organization operations
Secondary abstract: Organizations need to be recognizable to successfully perform business operations and reach a certain part of the market. Today's market is flooded with suppliers of all kinds of products and services. Such market saturation allows customers to choose and decide which provider to devote their money to. Organizations are therefore constantly competing with each other to capture customers' attention and offer them the most suitable products or services. Companies operating in the information technology (IT) industry, particularly business information solutions providers, are vulnerable to the gap between »Product-Driven« and »Customer-Driven« processes. Recently, companies operating in the IT industry have been under constant pressure to maintain a competitive advantage due to the rapid development and diffusion of new technologies. The problem and the current challenge of the companies are reflected in determining the adequate balance between the exercise of »Customer-Driven« activities aimed at the well-being of the customer and »Product-Driven« activities aimed at the growth and profitability of the company. To solve this problem, companies use a business model that focuses on meeting the needs and wants of customers. Focusing on the customer, if done correctly, can lead to greater customer satisfaction, which in turn leads to greater business success. The »Customer-Driven« process orientation of business manifests itself in various forms, from adopting new technologies to soliciting feedback to building relationships with customers. Today, many organizations are undergoing a digital transformation, which is the first step toward becoming more customer-centric. This master's thesis presents the difference between approaches focused on product development and growth and profitability of the organization and approaches focused on the needs and desires of customers. A proposal is made to establish a CDP (the acronym explained in the introduction to the master's thesis) on a real case, containing sets and implementation phases. A model representation of selected »TO-BE« state processes is made, taking into account the properties of the »Customer-Driven« approach. The master's thesis also defines the method of determining the degree to which it makes sense to adapt the processes to the needs and wishes of clients. The results of the master's thesis are a snapshot, performed analyzes, verified results and answers to research questions. The master's thesis can serve as a model for other companies that will in the future want to introduce CDP in their processes under similar conditions or will undertake the transformation from »Product-Driven« oriented business to »Customer-Driven« oriented business.
Secondary keywords: Poslovodenje;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: VIII, 237 f.
ID: 13343426