magistrsko delo
Helena Vravnik (Author), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


Zaznamba izvršbe je pravno dejstvo, ki se vpisuje v zemljiško knjigo in je prvo izvršilno dejanje izvršbe na nepremičnine. O vpisu odloči zemljiškoknjižno sodišče po uradni dolžnosti na podlagi obvestila izvršilnega sodišča, ki mu je priložen sklep o izvršbi. Za zaznambo izvršbe ni potrebno, da bi moral postati sklep pred njenim vpisom pravnomočen, pač pa se lahko vpiše tudi na podlagi nepravnomočnega sklepa o izvršbi. Na podlagi sklepa o izvršbi upnik pridobi hipoteko, ki učinkuje od trenutka, od katerega učinkuje zaznamba izvršbe, v kolikor ni za isto terjatev že prej pridobil hipoteko. Z vpisom prisilne hipoteke v zemljiško knjigo pridobi upnik poplačilno pravico, na podlagi katere se bo v primeru prisilne prodaje nepremičnine v izvršilnem postopku poplačal iz kupnine prodane nepremičnine. Zaznamba izvršbe povzroči tudi, da za zavarovanje druge terjatve istega ali drugega upnika ne more biti opravljen poseben postopek izvršbe, pač pa lahko upnik, v korist katerega je sodišče pozneje izdalo sklep o izvršbi na nepremičnino, pristopi k že začeti izvršbi. Po končanem postopku izvršbe na nepremičnino, zaznamovanem v zemljiški knjigi, lahko upnik ponovno vloži predlog za izvršbo za isto terjatev. Sodišče pri tem ponovno zaznamuje izvršbo z novo zaznambo izvršbe. Nakup nepremičnine v postopku izvršbe zainteresiranim kupcem omogoča nakup nepremičnine po ceni, ki je nižja od dejanske tržne vrednosti nepremičnine. Prisilna prodaja nepremičnine v izvršilnem postopku se lahko opravi ali z javno dražbo ali z zavezujočim zbiranjem ponudb ali pa z neposredno prodajo. Pri tem je novela ZIZ-J prinesla pomembno spremembo pri poteku javnih dražb, saj je uvedla spletno javno dražbo, ki omogoča hitrejši in bolj ekonomičen potek javne dražbe. Lastninska pravica se v postopku prisilne prodaje pridobi z odločbo državnega organa, kar pomeni, da je pridobljena na originarni oziroma izvirni način. Odločba državnega organa ima konstitutiven učinek, zato pridobitev lastninske pravice nastane že s samo odločbo in ne šele na podlagi le-te. Kupec nepremičnine pri prisilni prodaji v izvršilnem postopku postane lastnik tudi v primeru, če se kasneje izkaže, da dolžnik ni bil lastnik nepremičnine oziroma so obstajali drugi razlogi za nedopustnost izvršbe. Po nakupu pa kupec ne more uveljavljati jamčevalnih zahtevkov zaradi napak, ki jih ima nepremičnina. Lastninska pravica se v zemljiško knjigo vknjiži na podlagi pravnomočnega sklepa o izročitvi nepremičnine kupcu, pri tem pa so iz zemljiške knjige izbrisana vsa bremena, ki so bila vpisana pri nepremičnini, kar sodišče določi v sklepu o domiku, ki je izdan pred sklepom o izročitvi nepremičnine.


zaznamba izvršbe;učinki zaznambe izvršbe;prisilna prodaja nepremičnine v izvršilnem postopku;pridobitev lastninske pravice z nakupom v prisilni prodaji;originarna pridobitev lastninske pravice;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [H. Vravnik]
UDC: 347.952(043.3)
COBISS: 78214147 Link will open in a new window
Views: 375
Downloads: 79
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effects of the notice of an enforcement procedure in the land registry and aquisition of ownership in a forced sale in a enforcement procedure with overview of the case- law
Secondary abstract: Notice of enforcement procedure in the Land Registry is the first act in the enforcement procedure over the debtor's real estate. Decision of the Land Registry Court about the notice's registration in the Land Registry is based on the official notification about the start of the enforcement procedure by the Enforcement Court. Court's official notification must include the Enforcement order, which does not have to have a res judicata effect for the notice of the enforcement procedure to be effective. With the registration of the notice, the creditor acquires a mortgage on debtor's real estate (given that the creditor has not acquired a mortgage for the same claim before). With registration of the mortgage in the Land Registry the creditor obtains a right to be repaid, meaning his claim can be fully or partly repaid with a forced sale of the real estate in the enforcement procedure against the debtor. Another effect of the notice of enforcement is that there cannot be another enforcement procedure on the same real estate, but other creditors can join the existing enforcement procedure. When the enforcement procedure ends, the creditor can initiate another enforcement procedure for the same claim. Based on the official notification by the Enforcement Court on the new enforcement procedure, the Land Registry Court registers a new notice of the enforcement. In an enforcement procedure can potential buyers buy a real estate for a price, lower than real estate's market value. Forced sale of the real estate in the enforcement procedure can be carried out by an auction, by a binding offer, or by a direct contract. The Amending act of the Enforcement and Security Act (ZIZ-J) implemented online auctions. This change enabled quicker and more economical auctions. The ownership of the real estate that was sold in a forced sale in the enforcement procedure, is acquired with the Court's Decision, meaning it is acquired originally, without previous owner's consent. Buyer of the real estate in the enforcement procedure keeps his ownership right even if it is later proven that the debtor was not the real owner of the sold real estate. If the real estate has any faults, the new owner does not have any warranty claims after the sale is done. Land Registry Court registers the ownership right of the new owner in the Land Registry based on the Enforcement Court's decision on the delivery of immovable property to the buyer. The decision must have a res judicata effect. With the registration of the new owner's right all the encumbrances on the real estate are erased from the Land Registry.
Secondary keywords: notice of the enforcement procedure in the Land Registry;effects of the notice of enforcement procedure;forced sale of the real estate in the enforcement procedure;acquisition of the ownership right in a forced sale;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Pages: 51 f.
ID: 13353850