diplomsko delo
Katja Lesjak (Author), Miran Muhič (Mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela z naslovom Vpliv vadbe elementarnih iger z žogo na razvoj koordinacije predšolskih otrok je ugotoviti, ali lahko s sistematično načrtovanimi in vodenimi elementarnimi igrami z žogo vplivamo na razvoj koordinacije pri predšolskih otrocih, ter primerjati razliko v napredku koordinacije med otroki, ki so bili deležni dvomesečnih vodenih gibalnih dejavnosti igre z žogo, in tistimi, ki teh niso bili deležni. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu je opisana in predstavljena motorična sposobnost koordinacije, njen razvoj ter vpliv predšolskega obdobja na kasnejši celostni razvoj otroka. Sledi opis aktivnosti, povezanih z gibanjem in otrokovim razvojem ter opredelitev različnih vrst elementarnih iger z žogo ter njihov pomen za razvoj motorične sposobnosti koordinacije. V empiričnem delu so zapisani rezultati dvomesečne raziskave. Uporabljen je ne slučajnostni vzorec iz konkretne populacije otrok Vrtca Šentjur. V raziskavi je sodelovalo skupno 65 otrok, starih od 4 do 6 let. V eksperimentalni skupini je sodelovalo 32 in v kontrolni skupini 33 otrok. Za merski inštrument je bilo uporabljenih šest motoričnih testov na začetku in koncu eksperimenta. Na podlagi rezultatov, pridobljenih s pomočjo t-testa za odvisne vzorce, je razbrati, da obstaja razlika v motorični sposobnosti koordinacije predšolskih otrok, ki so bili deležni dvomesečnih načrtovanih in vodenih elementarnih iger z žogo, in otrok, ki te načrtovane in vodene dejavnosti niso imeli, saj so otroci eksperimentalne skupine povprečno izboljšali rezultate pri večini motoričnih testov.


diplomska dela;koordinacija;vpliv elementarnih iger z žogo;načrtovana in usmerjena vadba;predšolski otroci;motorični testi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Lesjak]
UDC: 373.2:796.012.2(043.2)
COBISS: 88468995 Link will open in a new window
Views: 341
Downloads: 77
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Impact of Elementary Ball Games workout on the Development of Coordination
Secondary abstract: The present diploma thesis entitled The Impact of Elementary Ball Games workout on the Development of Coordination is to determine whether systematically planned and supervised basic ball skill games can affect the development of coordination in preschool children, and to compare the difference in the progress of coordination between children who were provided with supervised ball activities and those children who did not have such supervised physical activity. This diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part presents motor coordination ability and its development as well as the influence of preschool period on the future child development. In addition, the theoretical part also describes the activities related to movement and child development, outlines various types of basic ball skill games, and explains their importance for the development of motor coordination abilities. The empirical part contains the results of a two-month survey. A non-random sample from the specific population of children attending the Šentjur Kindergarten was used in the research. There was a total of 65 children aged 4 to 6 participating in the study. The experimental group comprised 32 children, while the control group was composed of 33 children. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, six identical motor tests were used as a measuring instrument. On the basis of the results obtained using the t-test for dependent samples it can be deduced that there is a difference in motor coordination ability in preschool children who were given the opportunity to take part in the two-month planned and supervised basic ball skill games and children who were not provided with such physical activity, since the children in the first group on average improved their performance in all tests. 
Secondary keywords: theses;coordination;impact of basic ball skill games;planned and supervised practice;preschool children;motor tests.;Predšolski otroci;Igre z žogo;Gibalna vzgoja;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, 43 str., [9] str. pril.))
ID: 13364175