magistrsko delo
Tamara Kobale (Author), Tomaž Langerholc (Mentor), Maša Primec (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu se je določal antioksidativni potencial različnih sort hmelja. Vzorci so bili pridobljeni s hidroacetonsko ekstrakcijo, antioksidativni potencial pa je bil določen s kemijskima metodama FRAP in ORAC. Rezultati meritev so bili analizirani s programom SPSS ob uporabi ustreznih statističnih metod. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se različne sorte hmelja med seboj statistično značilno razlikujejo. Najvišji antioksidativni potencial po metodi FRAP je bil določen v sorti Savinjski Golding, z metodo ORAC v sortah Styrian Eureka in Aurora. Najnižji antioksidativni potencial po metodi FRAP je bil izmerjen v sorti Styrian Eureka in po metodi ORAC v sorti Caucasus. Analiza povezanosti ni pokazala značilne korelacije med rezultati metod FRAP in ORAC pri vzorcih istih sort hmelja. Antioksidativni potencial bi lahko predstavljal enega od tehnoloških parametrov za nadaljnjo selekcijo in izbor sort hmelja.


hmelj;antioksidativni potencial;FRAP;ORAC;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture
Publisher: [T. Kobale]
UDC: 633.791:543(043)=163.6
COBISS: 79492099 Link will open in a new window
Views: 358
Downloads: 48
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Antioxidant Potential of Various Hop Varieties
Secondary abstract: In the master's thesis, the antioxidant potential of different hop varieties was determined. The samples were obtained by hydroaceton extraction and the antioxidant potential was determined via the FRAP and ORAC chemical methods. The results of the measurements were analyzed using the SPSS software with appropriate statistical methods. It was found that hop varieties differ statistically significantly from each other. The highest antioxidant potential according to the FRAP method was the Savinjski Golding variety and the ORAC method found the biggest potential in the Styrian Eureka and Aurora varieties. The lowest antioxidant potential according to the FRAP method was measured in the Styrian Eureka variety and via the ORAC method in the Caucasus variety. No significant correlation between the results of the FRAP and ORAC methods in samples of the same varieties could be found. Antioxidant potential could represent one of the technological parameters for further selection and use of hop varieties.
Secondary keywords: hop;antioxidant potential;FRAP;ORAC;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede
Pages: XI, 45 str., [7] f. pril.
ID: 13375724