diplomsko delo
Nika Malečkar (Author), Jurij Lah (Mentor), Petra Jenuš (Co-mentor)


V okviru diplomskega dela sem raziskovala vpliv oplaščenja magnetnih nanodelcev na zeta potencial in njihove magnetne lastnosti. Delce smo sintetizirali v laboratoriju iz dveh raztopin soli, nato pa jih oplaščili s citronsko kislino in cetiltrimetilamonijevim bromidom. Fokus moje raziskave je bil posvečen funkcializaciji in karakterizaciji oplaščenih magnetnih delcev za namene polifenolne ekstrakcije iz lesne biomase. Nanodelci so morali imeti točno določeno koncentracijo in izražati superparamagnetne lastnosti za njihovo nadaljnjo uporabo. Tako bi lahko na ekološko prijazen način iz lesne biomase ekstrahirali polifenole in izboljšali uporabo lesnega odpadka. Ugotovili smo, da vsi nanodelci izražajo superparmagnetne lastnosti, kot boljši surfaktant pa se je izkazala citronska kislina, saj so bile izmerjene vrednosti zeta potenciala višje, prav tako pa je oplaščenje znižalo izoelektrično točko, s tem pa je postala suspenzija bolj stabilna pri fizioloških pogojih


magnetni nanodelci;zeta potencial;superparamagnetizem;suspenzije;koloidi;površinsko aktivna sredstva;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Publisher: [N. Malečkar]
UDC: 620.3(043.2)
COBISS: 83256835 Link will open in a new window
Views: 287
Downloads: 133
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Determination of electrokinetic potentials on the surface of magnetic nanoparticles for use in selective polyphenol extraction
Secondary abstract: As part of my bachelor thesis, I investigated the influence of the coating of magnetic nanoparticles on the zeta potential. The particles were synthesized from two salt solutions and then coated with citric acid or cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. Our research was focused on the functionalization and characterization of coated magnetic particles for polyphenolic extraction from wood biomass. The nanoparticles had to have a specific concentration and express superparamagnetic properties for their further use. In this way, polyphenols could be extracted from wood biomass in an environmentally friendly way, thus improving the use of wood waste. We found that all nanoparticles exhibit superparamagnetic properties, and citric acid proved to be a more suitable surfactant, as the measured zeta potential values were higher than in the sample coated with CTAB. The citric acid coating also lowered the isoelectric point, making the suspension more stable at the desired conditions.
Secondary keywords: magnetic nanoparticles;zeta potential;superparamagnetism;suspension;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000374
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, VSŠ Kemijska tehnologija
Pages: 28 str.
ID: 13381014