diplomsko delo
Tilen Gros (Author), Janez Vodičar (Mentor)


Smučarska skakalna društva so športne organizacije, ki ustvarjajo osnovo za doseganje vrhunskih rezultatov slovenskih reprezentanc v smučarskih skokih. Namen diplomskega dela je kratek prikaz zgodovine razvoja smučarskih skokov in analiza dejavnikov uspešnosti društev v Sloveniji. Obravnavani so dejavniki, za katere so na voljo znani podatki, ob tem so opravljeni intervjuji, s katerimi smo ugotavljali, kako razmišljajo športni delavci in aktivni tekmovalci. Široka baza tekmovalcev v društvih je obravnavana z vidika števila članov in registriranih športnikov. V povprečju ima slovensko društvo 20,38 člana in 17,42 registriranega športnika, od katerih se pričakuje zagnanost, korektnost, športni pristop in uspešen športni rezultat. Podatki so pridobljeni glede na uspehe tekmovalcev do 6. mesta v skupni razvrstitvi tekmovanja za slovenski pokal. Društvo ima v povprečju 2,88 uspešnega moškega tekmovalca in 2 uspešni ženski tekmovalki. K uspešnim rezultatom prispeva kakovost trenažnega procesa, ki je obravnavana z vidika aktivnih in profesionalnih trenerjev. Od trenerjev se v trenažnem procesu pričakuje poštenost, odličen pedagoški pristop, poznavanje zakonitosti smučarskega skoka in ambicioznost, vendar z upoštevanjem sposobnosti tekmovalca. V povprečju ima društvo 2,17 aktivnega neprofesionalnega in manj kot enega profesionalnega trenerja. Ob trenerjih imajo društva v povprečju tudi 6,96 sodnika, ki skrbi za izvajanje tekmovalnega sistema. Slovenska društva imajo v povprečju 3,83 skakalnice, skakalne dolžine so najpogosteje od 5 do 29 metrov. Vsi dejavniki so med seboj tudi vsaj zmerno pozitivno povezani, s spremembo enega vplivamo na spremembo drugega. Ugotovljena stanja bodo v pomoč pri razvoju posameznega društva in predvsem skupne usmeritve delovanja klubov v prihodnje.


diplomska dela;kazalniki uspešnosti;smučarski skoki;društva;zgodovina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Gros]
UDC: 061.2:796.925(043.2)
COBISS: 88662275 Link will open in a new window
Views: 179
Downloads: 14
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Indicators for monitoring the performacne of slovenian ski jumping clubs
Secondary abstract: Ski jumping associations are sports organizations in which a basis for achieving top results of Slovenian national teams in ski jumping is created. The aim of this thesis is to briefly present the history of the development of ski jumping and to analyze the success factors of Slovenian ski jumping clubs. This paper discusses the factors for which known data are available and presents the Interviews that were conducted to determine how sports staff and active competitors think. The broad base of competitors in the associations is considered in terms of the number of members and registered athletes. On average, the Slovenian Ski Club has 20.38 members and 17.42 registered athletes, of whom enthusiasm, proper professional attitude, sportsmanship, and successful sports result are expected. The data is determined by the successes of competitors up to 6th place in the overall ranking of the competition for the Slovenian Cup. The association has an average of 2.88 successful male competitors and 2 successful female competitors. What contributes to the successful results is the quality of the training process, which is considered from the point of view of active and professional coaches. In the training process, coaches are expected to be honest, have an excellent pedagogical approach, have knowledge of the laws of ski jumping and to be ambitious, while taking into account the abilities of the competitor. On average, a club has 2.17 active unprofessional coaches and less than one professional coach. In addition, clubs have an average of 6.96 referees of different levels who are responsible for the implementation of the competition system. Slovenian associations have on average 3.83 jumps, jumping lengths from 5 to 29 meters. All factors are also moderately positively related. By changing one factor, we influence the change of the other factor. The identified conditions will help in the development of an individual club and especially in the common orientation of the clubs in the future.
Secondary keywords: theses;performance indicators;ski jumping;Slovenian clubs;history;Smučarski skoki;Športna društva;Uspeh;Zgodovina;Slovenija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za športno treniranje
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XIII, 125 str.))
ID: 13396944