diplomsko delo
V svoji diplomski nalogi sem pregledala literaturo na temo kemične zgradbe črnega ribeza in njegove uporabnosti. Črni ribez vsebuje veliko biokemičnih snovi, predvsem fenolnih spojin, katerih vsebnost je pogojena s temperaturo, svetlobo in genetsko predispozicijo. Antocianini predstavljajo 2-4 g/kg sveže mase črnega ribeza in prispevajo k mnogim senzoričnim lastnostim, kot so aroma, okus, barva in trpkost. Kar tretjino vseh fenolnih spojin zavzemajo fenolne kisline. V največji meri je izmed vitaminov v črnem ribezu prisotna askorbinska kislina oziroma vitamin C. Vitamina C je v primerjavi z drugimi sadnimi vrstami v črnem ribezu znatno več. V 100 ml soka črnega ribeza je kar od 130 do 450 mg askorbinske kisline. Pektini so polimeri ogljikovih hidratov, njihova vsebnost v črnem ribezu pa znaša od 0,2 do 1,79 g/100 g. Črni ribez je možno uporabiti na mnogo različnih načinov. Prideluje se ga predvsem za predelavo v sok, marmelado, sirupe, nektarje, dodatek jogurtom in tudi za kozmetično industrijo, npr. za izdelavo parfumov in krem.
črni ribez;fenolne spojine;tanini;antocianini;minerali;vitamini;pektini;sladkorji;organske kisline;uporabnost;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2021 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty |
Publisher: |
[V. Gabrovšek] |
UDC: |
634.723:543.61(043.2) |
Views: |
206 |
Downloads: |
25 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Chemical structure and usability of blackcurrant fruit (Ribes nigrum L.) |
Secondary abstract: |
In my thesis, I reviewed the literature on the chemical profile of blackcurrant and its usefulness. Blackcurrant contains a high content of biochemicals, particularly phenolic compounds, the content of which is determined by temperature, light, genetic predisposition and microclimate. Anthocyanins account for 2-4 g/kg fresh weight of blackcurrant and contribute to many sensory properties, such as aroma, flavour, colour and biterness. 1/3 of all phenolic compounds are phenolic acids. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is the most abundant vitamin in blackcurrant. The vitamin C content of blackcurrant is much higher than that of other other fruit species. 100 ml of blackcurrant juice contains 130 to 450 mg of ascorbic acid. Pectins are polymers of carbohydrates, and their content in blackcurrant ranges from 0.2 to 1.79 g/100g. Blackcurrant can be used in many different ways. It is mainly processed into juices, jams, syrups, nectars, yoghurt additives and also in the cosmetics industry fort he production of perfumes and creams. |
Secondary keywords: |
blackcurrant fruit;phenolic composition;tannins;anthocyanins;minerals;vitamins;pectins;sugars;organic acids;usability; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo |
Pages: |
VI, 17 str. |
ID: |
13454754 |