magistrsko delo št.: 129/II. GIG


Objekti kulturne dediščine so objekti kulturnega, biotskega, turističnega in gospodarskega značaja. Ohranjanje kulturne dediščine, bodisi premične bodisi nepremične, je ključnega pomena za vsako državo. V Sloveniji poznamo nepremično, nesnovno in premično kulturno dediščino. Pri ohranjanju kulturne dediščine lahko sodelujemo tudi geodeti, predvsem pri dokumentiranju le-te, kjer gre za zajem objektov in obdelavo zajetih meritev in podatkov. V okviru tega magistrskega dela smo izvedli zajem objekta nepremične kulturne dediščine % samostana Jurklošter, pri čemer smo uporabili metode klasične geodetske izmere, izmere GNSS, SfM/MVS fotogrametrije in terestrične fotogrametrične izmere. Cilj obdelave meritev je bil pridobiti gosti oblak točk objekta, na osnovi katerega bi lahko izdelali 3D model. V okviru 3D modeliranja objekta smo preverili, ali je modeliranje v izbrani programski opremi mogoče in kako podrobno lahko modeliramo.


geodezija;magistrska dela;GIG;bližnjeslikovna fotogrametrija;samostan;UAV;fotogrametrična izmera;SfM/MVS fotogrametrija;terestrična fotogrametrija;kulturna dediščina;3D modeliranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [V. Grabrovec]
UDC: 528.7:726(497.4)(043.3)
COBISS: 79128323 Link will open in a new window
Views: 363
Downloads: 63
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂ3D modelling of the Jurklošter monastery from a photogrammetric point cloud
Secondary abstract: Cultural heritage objects are objects of cultural, biotic, tourist and economic matter. Preservation of those objects is essential for any country or state. In Slovenia we know immovable, intangible and movable cultural heritage. Geodetic surveyors can participate in the preservation of cultural heritage by measuring or capturing those objects and processing the captured measurements and data. In master thesis proceesings we surveyed the immovable cultural heritage object % the Jurklošter monastery, using the methods of classical geodetic survey, GNSS survey, SfM/MVS photogrammetry and terestical photogrammetric survey. Our goal by processing the measurements and data was to gain a dense point cloud, on the basis of which a 3D model could be made. As a part of the 3D modelling of the object, we checked whether modelling in the selected software was even possible and how detailed our 3D model can be.
Secondary keywords: geodesy;master thesis;close range photogrammetry;monastery;UAV;photogrammetric survey;SfM/MVS photogrammetry;terrestrial photogrammetry;cultural heritage;3D modelling;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XII, 49 str.
ID: 13477316