magistrsko delo
Ana Gorenc (Author), Uroš Grošelj (Mentor), Jurij Lah (Thesis defence commission member), Franc Požgan (Thesis defence commission member)


V sklopu magistrskega dela sem preučevala asimetrične pretvorbe derivatov pirolinona. Enantioselektivno sintezo sem dosegla z uporabo kiralnih nekovalentnih bifunkcionalnih organokatalizatorjev. Moje delo je obsegalo pripravo knjižnice racemnih produktov, s katerimi sem določila pogoje ločitve enantiomerov na kiralni HPLC koloni, ter enantiomerno obogatenih produktov, ki sem jim določila enantiomerni presežek. Sprva sem izvedla [4+2] anulacijo N-nesubstituiranih ariliden-Δ2-pirolin-4-onov z malononitrilom, rezultat katere so enantiomerno obogateni derivati dihidropirano[3,2-b]pirola. Pri določevanju enantiomernega presežka pretvorbe s kiralno HPLC kolono sem naletela na veliko dejavnikov, ki močno vplivajo na natančno določitev le-tega. V drugem delu sem kot izhodne substrate organokataliziranih pretvorb uporabila derivate tetramskih kislin. Z 1,4-adicijo tetramskih kislin na derivate trans-β-nitrostirena sem s tvorbo vezi C–C ustvarila kiralni center. Sintetizirala sem manjšo knjižnico aduktov tetramskih kislin in derivatov trans-β-nitrostirena, na katerih sem izvedla O-alkiliranje. Na izbrani neracemni N-Gly-Boc substituirani tetramski kislini sem izvedla serijo naknadnih pretvorb. S strategijo ortogonalne zaščite in peptidne kemije sem sintetizirala makrociklični produkt, ki vsebuje skelet pirolin-2-ona.


organska sinteza;asimetrična sinteza;bifunkcionalna nekovalentna organokataliza;derivati pirolinonov;pirolinonski derivati;peptidna kemija;makrociklizacija;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Publisher: [A. Gorenc]
UDC: 547.74(043.2)
COBISS: 86460675 Link will open in a new window
Views: 386
Downloads: 115
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Application of pyrrolone involving substrates in organocatalysed reactions
Secondary abstract: In this master’s thesis, the research was focused on the application of pyrrolinone derivatives in asymmetric transformations. Enantioselective synthesis was achieved with the application of chiral noncovalent bifunctional organocatalysts. This work covers the preparation of a library of racemic compounds, that were used for the optimization of chiral HPLC method for the separation of enantiomers and subsequently for the determination of enantiomeric excess of the corresponding enantiomerically enriched compounds. In the first part, [4+2] annulation of N-unsubstituted arylidene-Δ2-pyrrolin-4-ones with malononitrile were examined, which resulted in nonracemic dihydropyrano[3,2-b]pyrrole derivatives. The determination of enantiomeric excess of chiral nonracemic compounds, done by chiral HPLC method, was accompanied with numerous factors, that must be put into the consideration, to be able to obtain accurate enantioselectivity results. In the following research, tetramic acids derivatives were applied in organocatalyzed reactions. 1,4-addition of tetramic acids to trans-β-nitrostyrene derivatives resulted in a chiral center formation as new C–C bond was formed. A small library of O-alkylated adducts of tetramic acids and trans-β-nitrostyrene derivatives was synthesized. A chiral nonracemic N-Gly-Boc substituted tetramic acid derivative was used for the selected follow-up modifications. With the implementation of orthogonal protection and peptide chemistry, macrocyclic product containing pyrrolin-2-one heterocycle was synthesized.
Secondary keywords: asymmetric synthesis;bifunctional noncovalent organocatalysis;pyrrolinone derivatives;peptide chemistry;macrocyclization;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000375
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, smer Kemija
Pages: 101 str.
ID: 13534229