magistrsko delo
Kristina Lipoglav (Author), Vlasta Hus (Mentor)


Pouk izven učilnice je eden izmed načinov, kjer otrok gradi svoje znanje z lastnimi izkušnjami. Otrok je v usvajanju znanja ves čas aktiven in z lastno aktivnostjo spoznava nekaj novega. Otrok spoznava novo znanje z vsemi čutili (vid, voh, okus, sluh). Pri takšnem načinu dela otrok pridobiva znanja na vseh področjih razvoja (kognitivnem, socialnem, čustvenem, psihomotoričnem ...). Učenci so pri takšnem načinu bolj motivirani in imajo večjo željo po usvajanju nove snovi. Pri poučevanju izven učilnice se šola in učenci povezujejo z lokalnim okoljem, ga spoznavajo in sprejemajo za svojega. Strinjamo se, da je takšen način poučevanja za učitelja zahtevnejši, prav tako je potrebnih več priprav. Na izvajanje pouka izven učilnice vplivajo nepričakovani dejavniki (zaprtje ustanove, slabo vreme ...), zato mora biti učitelj dobro organiziran in prilagodljiv na nove okoliščine. Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti kulturno dediščino v Slovenski Bistrici in oblikovati dejavnosti izven učilnice, ki bi jih lahko izvajali pri poučevanju vsebin kulturne dediščine. Načrtovali smo dejavnosti za predšolske otroke in dejavnosti za otroke prvega razreda devetletne osnovne šole, ki se lahko izvajajo neposredno na prostoru kulturne dediščine. Dejavnosti smo oblikovali za štiri lokacije, na katerih učenci spoznavajo kulturno dediščino domačega kraja.


magistrska dela;kulturna dediščina;pouk izven učilnice;predšolski otroci;učenci prve triade;Slovenska Bistrica;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Lipoglav]
UDC: 37.091.3:374(043.2)
COBISS: 84455683 Link will open in a new window
Views: 485
Downloads: 72
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Examples of activities outside the classroom for teaching cultural heritage content for preschoolers and first-triad pupils in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica
Secondary abstract: Having lessons outside the classroom is one of the ways when a child develops knowledge through their own experience. A child is active all the time of acquiring knowledge and is getting to know something new through their own activity. A child is discovering new knowledge with all their senses (sight, smell, taste, hearing). In such method of work a child acquires knowledge and skills in all areas of development (cognitive, social, emotional, psychomotor ...). Students are more motivated and have a greater will to acquire new material in such way. When having lessons outside of the classroom, the school and students connect with the local environment, they are discovering it and embrace it for their own. It is agreed that such a way of teaching is more demanding for the teacher and more preparation is needed. Unexpected factors (closing of schools, bad weather ...) can influence the carrying out of lessons outside the classroom, therefore, a teacher needs to be well organized and flexible to new situations. The purpose of the master's paper is to introduce cultural heritage in Slovenska Bistrica and form activities outside the classroom, which could be carried out within the teaching of cultural heritage. Planned were the activities for preschool children and activities for children of 1st year of 9-year primary school, which can be carried out directly on the cultural heritage site. Activities were prepared for four locations where students can get familiarized with the cultural heritage of the home town.
Secondary keywords: master theses;cultural heritage;lessons outside the classroom;preschool child;student of first triad;Slovenska Bistrica;Učinkovit pouk;Kulturna dediščina;Predšolski otroci;Učenci;Spoznavanje in kultura;Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenija);Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (76 str.))
ID: 13682506