zgled ali samo novodobni prodajalci?
Mateja Strupeh (Author), Katarina Rojko (Mentor)


Živimo v hitro razvijajočem se svetu, kjer so spletna omrežja na voljo vsakomur. Dovolj je že prijava in že smo v virtualnem svetu, kjer je vse mogoče. Zato smo v sklopu magistrske naloge s pomočjo virov, literature, ankete, intervjujev in primerjave raziskali, ali so digitalni vplivneži zgled ali samo novodobni prodajalci. Med drugim smo ugotovili, da sledilci ne verjamejo vsega, kar vplivneži objavijo, in kadar so te objave polne materialističnih in podarjenih stvari, pri večini nimajo vpliva na njihovo počutje. Komentarji sledilcev so predvsem iskreni, se pa najdejo tudi posamezniki, ki se na podlagi objavljene vsebine odločijo, ali bodo iskreno komentirali. Zanimanje glede določene tematike je največkrat razlog, da začnejo s sledenjem vplivneža, znatiželjnost in predlog prijatelja pa sta tudi razloga, ki pritegneta novega sledilca. Vplivneži delno objavljajo z namenom, da bi pridobili sledilce in ustvarili sodelovanje s podjetji. Zato mora vplivnež imeti karizmo in temo, ki jo potem skozi objave razvija. Predvsem pa je pomembno, da je pri svojih objavah konsistenten ter vztrajen.


digitalni vplivneži;sledilci;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: FIŠ - Faculty of Information Studies
Publisher: [M. Strupeh]
UDC: 316.472.4:316.774:004.738.5(043.2)
COBISS: 86759171 Link will open in a new window
Views: 15
Downloads: 4
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: We live in a rapidly evolving world where such an online network is available to everyone. Enough is enough to sign up and we are already in a virtual world where anything is possible. Therefore, as part of the master's thesis, we used sources, literature, surveys, interviews and comparisons to investigate whether digital influencers are an example or just modern sellers. Among other things, we found that followers do not believe everything that influencers post and when the content is based on materialistic and gifted things, for most of them, they have no effect on their well-being. The comments of the followers are mostly sincere, there are also individuals who decide how to comment, based on the published content. Interest in certain topics is the biggest reason to start following an influencer, the curiosity and suggestion of friends, are also the reasons that attract a new follower. Influencers publishes in part with the intention to obtain followers and creating collaboration with companies. Therefore, the influencers must have a charisma and theme, which they develop through posts. Above all, it is important that they are consistent and persistent in posting.
Secondary keywords: digital influencers;followers;YouTube (spletno mesto);Instagram (spletno mesto);Blogerji;Blogi;Spletni ugled;Facebook (spletno mesto);
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fakulteta za informacijske študije v Novem mestu
Source comment: Na ov.: Magistrska naloga : študijskega programa druge stopnje;
Pages: XV, 79 str.
ID: 13854607