diplomsko delo
Tjaša Burjek (Author), Martina Bizjak (Reviewer), Renata Vettorazzi (Mentor)


Uvod: Ena od težav, ki se lahko pojavijo pri dojenju, je hiperlaktacija ali hipergalaktija. To pomeni, da telo matere proizvede veliko več mleka v dojkah, kot ga dojenček potrebuje – tj., med 450 in 1200ml na dan. Vzroki so lahko različni, znaki pa se kažejo tako pri materi kot otroku. Matere se lahko soočajo z mastitisom, zamašenimi mlečnimi vodi, vnetjem bradavic, abscesi, pri otroku pa je opaziti krče, napihnjenost, zeleno blato, prevelik ali premajhen napredek v rasti. Namen: Predstaviti problem hiperlaktacije pri doječih materah, kakšni so vzroki in znaki hiperlaktacije, ter kako se jo zdravi. Metode dela: Opravljena je bila deskriptivna ali opisna metoda dela s pregledom literature na temo hiperlaktacije in dojenja. Pregledali in analizirali smo literaturo v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, s prosto dostopnim celotnim besedilom. Literaturo smo iskali v podatkovnih bazah COBISS, Medline in PubMed, s pomočjo iskalnika Google učenjak in DiKUL, v času od januarja do decembra 2020. Rezultati: Raziskave kažejo, da obstaja več različnih razlogov za pojav hiperlaktacije, najpogostejše pa so velike mlečne žleze, prepogosto izbrizgavanje mleka, uživanje snovi, ki povečujejo laktacijo in nepravilnosti pri porodu. Znaki, ki opozarjajo na pojav hiperlaktacije, so vidni tako pri materi kot dojenčku. Matere občutijo napetost in bolečino v dojkah, mleko iz njih kar izteka, občutek nelagodja pa ne mine niti po dojenju. Pri dojenčkih je potrebno biti pozoren na neprimerno hitro ali počasno pridobivanje na telesni teži, barvo in količino blata ter način pitja mleka. Zdravljenje hiperlaktacije še ni dobro raziskano, ena najučinkovitejših metod pa je »block feeding«. K zmanjšanju laktacije pripomorejo tudi nekatera zelišča in psevdoendorfini. Razprava in zaključek: Pri pregledu literature smo ugotovili, da ima hiperlaktacija negativen vpliv na mater in dojenčka, lahko tudi do te mere, da se dojenje preneha. Kljub enotnim ugotovitvam različnih avtorjev še vedno ni zagotovega načina, ki bi hiperlaktacijo preprečil oz. zaustavil. V prihodnosti bi bilo potrebno narediti novejše raziskave o razlogih in zdravljenju hiperlaktacije tudi v slovenskem prostoru.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;dojenje;težave pri dojenju;hiperlaktacija;hipergalaktija;laktacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [T. Burjek]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 85426691 Link will open in a new window
Views: 273
Downloads: 64
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Hyperlactation
Secondary abstract: Introduction: One of the problems that can occur during breastfeeding is hyperlactation, also termed as hypergalactia or oversupply and it means excessive ,milk production in mother's breasts or more than the baby needs which is between 450 and 1200 ml per day. There are many possible reasons for occurence of hyperlactation and the signs show up in both, the mother and the baby. Mothers with breast milk oversupply may report about mastitis, plugged milk ducts, sore nipples and abcsess. Baby can be colicky, bloated, have green stools. They may show either a very low or a very high weight gain. Purpose: To present the problem of hyperlactation in breastfeeding mothers, what are it's causes, signs and symptoms and how to treat it. Methods: A descriptive research approach was used to review the literature breastfeeding and hyperlactation. We reviewed and analyzed literature written in Slovene and English, with freely available full text. We searched the literature using the COBISS, Medline and PubMed databases and Google Scholar, and DiKUL search engine, from January 2020 to December 2020. Results: Many studies show that there are severe different reasons for the occurance of hyperlactation. The most common are large mammary glands, too frequent pumping with purpose to make great quantities of milk or to relieve normal postpartum fullnes, consuming herbs that increase lactation or a fragment of retained placenta. Signs of hyperlactation are seen in both, mother and the baby. Mothers feel tension and pain in the breasts and milk is spraying for no good reason. Breasts remain full and uncomfortable even after feedings. The infant can gain weight either too low or too high, have big foamy, green stools and refuse feeding in every position. The treatment of hyperlactation has not been well studied yet, but one of the most effective known method is block feeding. To help decrese lactation, pseudoendoprhines and some herbs also can be used. Discussion and conclusion: In the literature review, we found that hyperlactation has negative impact on mother and infant. It can affect that much, that they give up on breastfeeding. Despite the consistent findings of different authors, there is still no certain way to prevent or stop hyperlactation. In future, it would be necessary to do recent reserch on the causes and treatment of hyperlactation in Slovenia and elsewhere.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;breastfeeding;problems with breastfeeding;hyperlactation;hypergalactia;oversupply;block feeding;lactation;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 24 str.
ID: 13961685