(diplomsko delo)
Petra Stopar (Author), Vlasta Mlekuž (Mentor)


Slabovidnost je obolenje, ki najbolj prizadene starejšo populacijo, kjer so v ospredju težave, ki spremljajo njihove spremembe na telesnem, psihičnem in socialnem področju. Z napredovanjem bolezni so izražene spremembe samopodobe, ker z omejevanjem gibljivosti in nesamostojnostjo pri telesnih naporih niso več zmožni samostojnega življenja. V študiji primera smo uporabili opisno metodo dela s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika in intervjuja slabovidne starostnice v domačem okolju. Informacije smo pridobili tudi z opazovanjem in ocenjevanjem zdravstvenega in emocionalnega stanja bolnice ter njenega bivalnega okolja. Slaboviden starostnik je zelo odvisen od pomoči drugih. Bolnica in ostali člani družine zelo dobro medsebojno sodelujejo in si medsebojno pomagajo ter vzpodbujajo pri vsakodnevnih opravilih. Opazno je, da bolnici največ pomoči nudi mož. Medsebojno razumevanje jo motivira k neodvisnosti pri bivanju v domačem okolju. Življenje bolnice v domačem okolju narekuje, da tudi družina potrebuje pomoč medicinske sestre, ki vstopa v obravnavo družine, jo spremlja, svetuje in uči razumeti spremembe slabovidnosti. Dokazano je, da je naloga družine pri bolnici vezana na fizično, psihično in socialno oskrbo in zdravstveno stanje. Pomembno je varovanje in stalno spremljanje ter vzpodbujanje aktivnosti za samostojnost pri življenju v domačem okolju.


starostniki;slabovidnost;slepota;bolezni in poškodbe oči;družina;medicinske sestre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [P. Stopar]
UDC: 617.751.98-053.9
COBISS: 1590948 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2789
Downloads: 301
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Weak - eyed elderly person in the domestic surroundings
Secondary abstract: Amblyopia is an illness, which affects mostly the elderly population where there are troubles accompanying their physical, psychical and social changes. Moreover, the changes in self-image are seen by the progress of the illness as these people are not capable to live an independent life anymore due to the limitation in mobility and the dependence at physical efforts. In the case study the descriptive method was applied by using the survey and an interview of the weak-eyed older female person in the domestic surroundings. Furthermore, the information was gained by observing and assessing the health and emotional condition of the patient and her residential environment. Additionally, a weak-eyed older person depends very on other’s help. The patient and other family members interact very well and aid one another as well as encourage each other at every day’s procedures. Moreover, it could have been noticed that the most assistance is provided by her husband. The mutual understanding motivates her to be more independent when living in the domestic surroundings. Due to the patient’s life in her domestic surroundings the family needs a nurse’s assistance. The nurse approaches the family, accompanies it, gives advices and teaches how to understand the changes of the amblyopia. However, it has been proven that family’s task is connected to the physical, psychical and social care and health condition of the patient. Furthermore, protection and steady control as well as encouraging the activities for an independent life in the domestic surroundings are necessary.
Secondary keywords: elderly person;amblyopia;blindness;eye diseases and injuries;family;nurse.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 78 f.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;surgery;orthopaedics;ophthalmology;kirurgija;ophthalmology;eye disorders and treatment;oftalmologija;očesne bolezni;
ID: 14036
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