(diplomsko delo)
Samo Babič (Author), Marina Brumen (Mentor), Majda Pajnkihar (Co-mentor)


Onkološka zdravstvena nega je kompleksno in razvejano področje zdravstvene nege, na katerega vplivajo tudi druge specialne vede. Jean Watson v svoji teoriji navaja, da lahko sam proces zdravljenja bistveno pospešijo pristni medčloveški odnosi, pri čemer se zdravstveni delavec vključuje kot celovita osebnost tako na čustvenem kot na izkustvenem področju. Bistveno značilnost področja zdravstvene nege predstavlja skrb. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti teoretična izhodišča onkološke zdravstvene nege starostnika pri sistemski terapiji ter z metodo ankete proučiti organizacijske in strokovne probleme klinične prakse onkološke zdravstvene nege starostnika v Domu starejših občanov Ljutomer ter podati predlog morebitnih sprememb. Z raziskovalno metodo anketnega vprašalnika v zdravstveno-negovalnem timu Doma starejših občanov Ljutomer je bila opravljena raziskava, kjer smo ugotavljali strokovno usposobljenost, znanje ter individualno mišljenje zaposlenih glede konceptov zdravstvene nege. Rezultati so pokazali, da je v Domu starejših občanov Ljutomer zaposlen kader, ki stremi k pridobivanju novih znanj, je dovzeten in fleksibilen za priporočila v zdravstveni negi in je kakovostno strokovno usposobljen. Sodobna praksa Doma starejših občanov Ljutomer v zdravstvene negi onkološkega pacienta vključuje obvladovanje procesa zdravstvene nege in sposobnost zagotoviti, da znajo medicinske sestre biti vodnik, da znajo vrednotiti prakso zdravstvene nege ter da so sposobne kritičnega razmišljanja. Zdravstvena nega v Domu starejših občanov Ljutomer upošteva proces zdravstvene nege in postavlja v središče dogajanja človeka s svojimi fizičnimi, psihičnimi, socialnimi in duhovnimi potrebami ter vrednotami. Omogoča njegovo aktivno sodelovanje v procesu zdravstvene nege in s tem možnost uresničevanja etičnega načela spoštovanja avtonomije oziroma neodvisnosti pacienta. V takem odnosu medicinske sestre je pacient subjekt, ki sta mu zagotovljeni integriteta in dostojanstvo.


zdravstvena nega;teorija Jean Watson;znanje;izobrazba;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM - University of Maribor
Publisher: [S. Babič]
UDC: 616-006-083
COBISS: 1591972 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2607
Downloads: 554
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Oncological nursing care of a elderly person with a system treatment
Secondary abstract: Oncology health care is a complex and broad area of health care influenced by other special sciences as well. Jean Watson states in her theory that the process of healing itself can be substantially accelerated by genuine human relationships. A medical worker can be included in the process as an entire personality in emotional area and from his/her own experience. Care represents a basic characteristic of the area of health care. The purpose of the diploma thesis has been to present theoretical points of oncology health care of elders with system therapy and with the method of a questionnaire observe organizational and scientific problems of clinical practice of oncology health care of elders in the Home for the aged Ljutomer, and to suggest some possible changes. There has been a research done with the research method of a questionnaire in health-nursery team of Home for the aged Ljutomer. We have tried to find out about qualifications, knowledge, and individual thinking of the employees according to the concepts of health care. The results have shown that the Home for aged Ljutomer has got the employees that search for new knowledge, that are flexible and sensitive for recommendations in health care, and they are specialized in the area with quality. Modern practice of Home for aged Ljutomer with health care of oncology patient includes dealing and mastering the process of health care and an ability to ensure that nurses know how to be a guide; they know how to value practice of health care and they are capable of critical thinking. Health care in Home for aged Ljutomer takes into consideration the process of health care and puts in the center a person with his physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs and values. It enables his active co-operation in the process of health care and a possibility of realization of ethical principle of respecting the autonomy and independence of a patient. The patient is a subject in such relationship of a nurse that has his own integrity and dignity.
Secondary keywords: Oncology health care;Jean Watson theory;knowledge;education.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VII, 74 f.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;pathology;clinical medicine;patologija;klinična medicina;tumours;neoplasms;blastomata;choristomata;hamartomata;oncology;tumorji;neoplazme;blastomi;horistomi;hamartomi;onkologija;
ID: 14060
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