feministična perspektiva


Lepotna tekmovanja so s stereotipizacijo povezana že od samega začetka in so podvržena feministični kritiki. Stereotipi služijo poenostavljanju kompleksnih pojavov in so v medijskem svetu pogosti. Prav zato je medijska podoba deklet, ki se udeležujejo lepotnih tekmovanj, precej specifična in stereotipizirana. V magistrskem delu proučujem odnos medijev do lepotnih tekmovanj in raziskujem, kako se v medijskem diskurzu kažeta stereotipizacija lepotnih tekmovanj in feministična drža lepotnih tekmovalk. Glavni cilj je ugotoviti, kako slovenski mediji prikazujejo lepotna tekmovanja in njihove tekmovalke. Zanima me, ali danes lepotna tekmovanja stremijo k odpravi spolnih stereotipov ali ohranjajo klasično stereotipizacijo, želim pa tudi presoditi, ali so lepotna tekmovanja znak slavja feminizma ali pa mu nasprotujejo. Empirični del je namenjen kvalitativni raziskavi, v okviru katere sem opravila deset intervjujev in analizo medijskega diskurza petnajstih člankov v enem tiskanem mediju ter dveh digitalnih. Lepotna tekmovanja predstavljajo v današnjem svetu dvorezen meč. Po eni strani ponujajo priložnost za neodvisnost in samozavest tekmovalk, po drugi strani pa pripomorejo k standardizaciji idealov lepote, stereotipizaciji tekmovalk in odklanjanju raznolikosti.


medijski diskurz;lepotna tekmovanja;stereotipizacija;feminizem;Ženska lepota (estetika);Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [M. Hrapić Cvetko]
UDC: 316.77:111.85(043.2)
COBISS: 89835523 Link will open in a new window
Views: 200
Downloads: 32
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Stereotyping in media discourse on beauty pageants: a feminist perspective
Secondary abstract: As beauty pageants have been prone to stereotyping since the very beginning, they are often subject to feminist critique. Stereotypes serve to simplify complex fenomena and are common in the media world. This is precisely why the media image of the women participating in beauty pageants is fairly specific and stereotyped. This thesis examines the media's attittude towards beauty pageants and explores the ways in which stereotyping of the said pageants and the feminist beliefs of the contestants manifests in media. The main objective is to determine how the Slovenian media depicts beauty pageants and its contestants. The thesis explores whether the pageants today strive towards eliminating gender stereotypes or if they perpetuate typical stereotyping. It also seeks to answer whether pageants are a triumph of feminism or its enemy. The empirical part of the thesis presents qualitative research comprised of ten interviews and an analysis of the media discourse in the form of fifteen articles in a printed medium and two digital ones. Beauty pageants are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they offer the contestants an opportunity to gain independence and confidence, while on the other, they aid in upholding beauty ideals, stereotyping contestants and rejecting diversity.
Secondary keywords: media discourse;beauty pageants;stereotyping;feminism;Stereotipi (socialna psihologija);Stereotypes (Psychology);Feminine beauty (Aesthetics);Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 156 str.
ID: 14083858