magistrsko delo
Nika Kores (Author), Andreja Špernjak (Mentor)


Soba pobega je socialna in miselna igra, pri kateri je treba ob pomoči različnih ugank in namigov najti izhod iz zaprtega prostora v omejenem času. Koncept sobe pobega je mogoče uporabiti tudi kot učno metodo pri različnih šolskih predmetih. Namen magistrskega dela je sestaviti tri učne priprave za pouk bioloških vsebin na predmetni stopnji osnovne šole, ki bodo vključevale elemente sobe pobega. Epidemiološke razmere niso dopuščale izvedbe dejavnosti sob pobega, zato smo ob pomoči obstoječe literature odgovorili na raziskovalna vprašanja. Želeli smo preveriti, ali na osnovi rezultatov dosedanjih raziskav lahko sklenemo, da pouk z elementi sobe pobega spodbuja sodelovalno učenje, ali lahko naredimo povezavo med učnimi urami, ki vključujejo elemente sobe pobega, ter učno motivacijo in pojavnostjo kritičnega mišljenja in ali lahko ugotovimo tudi kakšne dodatne prednosti takega načina dela. Ugotovili smo, da soba pobega omogoča sodelovalno učenje in skupinske razprave, pripomore pa tudi k motivaciji učencev za delo. V sobi pobega je potrebno tudi kritično mišljenje, vendar je prisotnost slednjega med drugim odvisna od dejavnosti in stopnje zahtevnosti. Soba pobega lahko pripomore k boljšemu razumevanju učne vsebine, zmanjšani anksioznosti in večji avtonomiji učencev. Učenci so pri dejavnostih uživali in so jim bile všeč. Priprava sobe pobega zahteva veliko učiteljevega časa in napora, vendar je tak način dela prijetna popestritev učne ure, prinaša pa tudi druge prednosti za učence.


magistrska dela;biologija;motivacija;sodelovanje;soba pobega;utrjevanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [N. Kores]
UDC: 57:37.091.3(043.2)
COBISS: 95954179 Link will open in a new window
Views: 132
Downloads: 20
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The escape room as a teaching method of biological content in a lower secondary school
Secondary abstract: The Escape Room is a social thinking game where you have to find your way out of an enclosed space within a given time, using various riddles and clues. The escape room concept can also be used as a teaching method in numerous school subjects. The aim of this master’s thesis is to design three teaching templates for biology classes at primary school level, which include elements of an escape room. The implementation of escape room activities was not possible due to epidemiological circumstances, so we answered the research questions using existing literature. We wanted to verify whether the results of previous research papers indicate that escape room lessons promote cooperative learning, whether there is a link between escape room lessons and motivation for learning as well as use of critical thinking, and whether this approach leads to additional benefits. It was established that the escape room facilitates collaborative learning and group discussions. Furthermore, it contributes to the students’ work motivation. Although critical thinking is necessary in an escape room, its presence depends on the individual activity and its complexity. An escape room can help improve the students' understanding of learning content, reduce anxiety and support the students’ autonomy. The students had fun and enjoyed the activities. Designing an escape room requires a lot of time and effort from the teacher, but it makes the lesson much more exciting and brings several other benefits for the students.
Secondary keywords: master theses;biology;motivation;collaboration;escape room;consolidation;Biologija;Osnovnošolsko učenje in poučevanje;Motivacija (psihologija);Učne sposobnosti;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: IX f., 101 str.
ID: 14141218