magistrsko diplomsko delo
Manca Vrtačnik (Author), Katja Filipčič (Mentor)


V prekrškovnem pravu smo kazen zapora kot eno izmed sankcij za prekršek poznali do leta 2005. Po tem letu je s sprejemom novega Zakona o prekrških nastopila sprememba prekrškovne zakonodaje in s tem opustitev kazni zapora. Bistveno novost je predstavljal uklonilni zapor, o (ne)ustavnosti katerega je šele več let po njegovi uveljavitvi odločalo Ustavno sodišče, čeprav so se v teoriji že od samega začetka pojavljale dileme glede (ne)ustavnosti tega instituta. Kljub temu, da Ustavno sodišče s svojo odločitvijo uklonilnemu zaporu ni popolnoma zaprlo vrat, se je zakonodajalec odločil, da bo ta institut v celoti opustil ter reformiral celoten sistem za primere, ko storilec v določenem roku ne plača izrečene globe in stroškov postopka. Temeljno novost v zakonodaji je predstavljal nov način izvršitve neplačane in neizterljive globe z njeno spremembo v nadomestni zapor, ki ga v veljavni ureditvi poznamo še dandanes. Magistrsko diplomsko delo tako prikazuje razvoj vloge odvzema prostosti v prekrškovnem pravu, in sicer od zaporne kazni kot ene od sankcij, do uklonilnega zapora kot načina prisiljevanja k plačilu globe, vse do nadomestnega zapora kot oblike izvršitve neplačane in neizvršljive globe. Kot stalnici v prekrškovnem pravu sta predstavljeni tudi dve temeljni obliki odvzema prostosti med samim postopkom, ki sta namenjeni izvedbi postopka (pridržanje in privedba).


kazensko pravo;prekrškovno pravo;prekrški;pravica do osebne svobode;odvzem prostosti;zaporna kazen;uklonilni zapor;nadomestni zapor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Vrtačnik]
UDC: 343(043.2)
COBISS: 96322307 Link will open in a new window
Views: 352
Downloads: 132
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Deprivation of liberty in misdemeanor law
Secondary abstract: In misdemeanor law, imprisonment was known as one of the sanctions until 2005. After that year, with the adoption of the new Minor Offences Act, there was a change in misdemeanor legislation which led to the abolition of imprisonment. An essential novelty was the remand prison the (un) constitutionality of which was decided by the Constitutional Court only several years after its entry into force, although in theory dilemmas arose from the very beginning regarding the (un) constitutionality of this institute. Although the Constitutional Court did not completely close the door to remand prison, the legislator decided to abandon this institute altogether and reform the entire system for cases where the perpetrator does not pay the fine and costs of the proceedings within a set time limit. A fundamental novelty in the legislation was a new way of enforcing the unpaid and uncollectible fine by changing it into a alternative imprisonment, which is still known in the current regulations. The Master's thesis thus illustrates the development of the role of deprivation of liberty in misdemeanor law, from imprisonment as one of the sanctions, to remand prison as a means coercion to pay a fine, to alternative imprisonment as a form of execution of unpaid and unenforceable fine. Two basic forms of deprivation of liberty during the proceedings themselves, which are intended for the conduct of the proceedings (detention and transfer), are also presented as constants in misdemeanor law.
Secondary keywords: misdemeanor law;misdemeanor;right to personal liberty;deprivation of liberty;imprisonment;remand prison;alternative imprisonment;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 50 f.
ID: 14240295
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