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Liza Brglez (Author), Dejan Verčič (Mentor)


Komuniciranje ima v procesu samoodločbe naroda velik pomen. Skrbi za notranjo enotnost naroda in razvoj nacionalne identitete, kulture in vrednot. S tem lahko pripomore k večji moči in stabilnosti naroda. Poleg tega s pomočjo komuniciranja oziroma mednarodnih odnosov z javnostmi ali državnega strateškega komuniciranja – konvergence med javno diplomacijo in odnosi z javnostmi – narodi in države iščejo podporo v mednarodni skupnosti. Vse te paradigme v politološkem diskurzu prispevajo k mehki moči naroda in države. Podpore in zavezništva so nujna za doseganje njihovih zunanjepolitičnih ciljev, med katere sodi tudi priznanje nove države. S pomočjo ustreznega komuniciranja vzpostavljajo in krepijo odnose med ljudmi, narodi, regionalnimi in državnimi oblastmi ter drugimi deležniki (zlasti mednarodnimi vladnimi in nevladnimi organizacijami) ter prispevajo k večjemu medsebojnemu zaupanju. S tem narodi in države gradijo svoj ugled. Tovrsten pomen komuniciranja za proces samoodločbe je potrdila tudi opravljena študija primera mednarodnega komuniciranja Katalonije za njeno neodvisnost, ki se je osredotočila na komuniciranje katalonskih poslancev Evropskega parlamenta in prispevek njihovega komuniciranja k samoodločbi Kataloncev. V akademski sferi že nekaj časa velja prepričanje, da bi morali odnosi z javnostmi postati del upravljanja oblikovanja narodov oziroma grajenja držav, kar dokazuje tudi naša študija primera. Čeprav je težko opredeliti ali izmeriti, kakšen je dejanski vpliv komuniciranja, pa lahko argumentiramo, da ta vpliv komuniciranja obstaja ter da je pozitiven.


komuniciranje z mednarodnimi javnostmi;mehka moč države;Katalonija;evropske institucije in Evropski parlament;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [L. Brglez]
UDC: 323.17:316.77(460.23)(043.2)
COBISS: 99991811 Link will open in a new window
Views: 195
Downloads: 49
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Pro-independence communication in the case of Catalonia
Secondary abstract: Communication has great importance in the process of self-determination of a nation. It unites the nation internally and helps to develop a national identity, culture, and values. Hence, it can positively influence the nation's power and stability. In addition, nations and states use communication or international public relations or governmental strategic communication – the convergence between public diplomacy and public relations - to gain support within the international community. Within the political discourse all those paradigms contribute to the soft power of a nation and state. The support and alliances are essential for achieving their foreign policy goals, including the recognition of a new state. The appropriate communication helps them to establish and strengthen relationships among individuals, nations, regional and governmental authorities, and other stakeholders (especially international governmental and non-governmental organisations) and contributes to a greater level of mutual trust. It helps nations build their reputation. How important is communication when it comes to the process of self-determination is also shown in the case study of this thesis – international communication of Catalonia for its independence, which focused on communication of Catalan MEPs and contribution of their communication to the Catalan self-determination. There has been a belief among academics for some time now that public relations should become a part of the management of nation-building. Our case study once again confirmed that. Although it is difficult to be certain about the actual impact of communication, we can argue that it exists and has an important positive influence.
Secondary keywords: communicating with international community;soft power of the country;Catalonia;European institutions and European Parliament;Mednarodni odnosi;Samoodločba;Katalonci;Španija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 120 str.
ID: 14316020
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