magistrsko delo
Simon Padar (Author), Mojca Duh (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu proučujemo družinska podjetja, njihove posebnosti in izzive, s katerimi se ta pogosto srečujejo. Osredotočimo se predvsem na problematiko nasledstva v družinskih podjetjih, ki po mnenju številnih avtorjev predstavlja največji izziv za večino družinskih podjetij in je tudi najpogostejši vzrok za njihov propad. Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na uvodni, teoretični in empirični del. V uvodnem delu pričujočega dela predstavljamo osnovne značilnosti, in sicer opis področja in opredelitev problema, ki ga proučujemo. Nadalje predstavljamo cilje, ki jih želimo z delom doseči, in oblikujemo hipoteze, ki jih želimo raziskati. V uvodnem delu prav tako predstavljamo omejitve, s katerimi smo se srečali med izdelavo, kot tudi metode, ki smo jih uporabili za uspešno izvedbo dela. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela se s pomočjo spoznanj strokovnjakov in avtorjev osredotočamo na predstavitev družinskih podjetij. Pozornost namenjamo predvsem definiciji pojma družinsko podjetje in nadalje proučujemo značilnosti družinskih podjetij, njihove prednosti, slabosti, kot tudi njihov vpliv na gospodarstvo. Ob tem proučujemo tudi povezavo med družino in podjetjem ter medsebojni vpliv obeh sistemov. Nadalje analiziramo možne medosebne odnose v družinskih podjetjih in konflikte, ki iz njih izhajajo. V zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela pa se osredotočamo na problematiko nasledstva v družinskih podjetjih. Poglavje tako pričnemo z opisom življenjskega cikla podjetja in družine ter nadaljujemo z definiranjem pojma nasledstvo ter proučujemo proces nasledstva, nasledstvene možnosti v družinskih podjetjih in ovire, s katerimi se družinska podjetja najpogosteje srečujejo med procesom. Predstavljamo tudi pomembnost pravočasnega načrtovanja nasledstva. Empirični del magistrskega dela zajema študijo primera družinskega podjetja Armaturko, d. o. o. V sklopu študije predstavimo osnovne informacije o podjetju, podamo njegovo zgodovino in proučimo trenutno strukturo podjetja. Nadaljujemo z analizo družinskih vezi med zaposlenimi v podjetju in analiziramo konflikte, ki se pogosto pojavljajo znotraj podjetja, ter podamo predloge za njihovo reševanje. Nadalje predstavljamo problematiko nasledstva v podjetju Armaturko, d. o. o., in v tem sklopu analiziramo trenuten potek procesa v podjetju ter opišemo nasledstvene možnosti v podjetju. Podamo predloge za načrtovanje prenosa v vodstvu in lastništvu podjetja in ob zaključku predstavimo tudi program prenosa nasledstva v podjetju, ki bo potekal med letoma 2021 in 2026. Z delom želimo razumeti, katera so družinska podjetja, kakšno vlogo igrajo v gospodarstvu, in poudariti pomembnost reševanja konfliktov v družinskih podjetjih ter pravočasnega in skrbnega načrtovanja procesa nasledstva.


družinsko podjetje;nasledstvo;planiranje;konflikti;značilnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: S. Padar
UDC: 334.722.24
COBISS: 104443139 Link will open in a new window
Views: 186
Downloads: 32
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Particularities, risks and succession planning of family business
Secondary abstract: Throughout the work, we study family businesses, their specialities, challenges and the dangers they often face. Special attention was paid to succession planning in family businesses, which is often thought to be the toughest challenge they face and the most common reason for their demise. We split the work into an introductional, a theoretical and an empirical component. During the introduction, we put forth the basic premise upon which the work is based on. We start off by explaining the problem that has been studied, followed by the goals we wanted to acomplish with the work, as well as the hypothesis we were looking to explore. The introduction to the work also includes the limitations we faced throughout the work, as well as the research methods used to acomplish the set goals. In the theoretical part of the work, we study and analyze the works of other authors to present the reader with the concept of family businesses. During this part, we define the term »family business« and present the typical characteristics of such businesses, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, along with their influence on the economy. Furthermore, we study the connection between the family and the business, as well as the influence these two systems have on one another. Alongside it, we analyze the possible interpersonal relationships that are typical for family businesses and the conflicts often deriving from them. In the last chapter of the theoretical analysis, we pay close attention to succession and succession planning in family businesses, where we try to define the term »succession« and study the succession process within family businesses. Throghout this chapter, we take a look at possible options in terms of succession for family businesses and analyze the challenges often faced by family businesses during this stage of their life-cycle. The work also takes a closer look and emphasizes the importance of a well structured succession plan. The empirical part of the work focuses on a case study of a Slovene family business Armaturko, d.o.o. The case study will present the reader with basic information about the firm and its history. The work then shifts attention to the analysis of interpersonal relationships within the firm, the conflicts stemming from these relationships, as well as presenting possible solutions to each of them. Furthermore, we analyze and present our findings of the succession process within the firm by studying the succession options and putting forth our suggestion of a well structured plan for the transfer of ownership and management to the next generation. The research done in this work should help better understand what family businesses are, the role they play in the global economy, as well as the importance of conflict management within family businesses and the need for a well structured succession plan.
Secondary keywords: family;business;planning;succession;specialities;dangers;conflicts;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 73 str.
ID: 14357709