magistrsko delo
Kristina Batagelj (Author), Ivan Svetlik (Mentor), Andrej Kohont (Co-mentor)


Uporaba spletnih socialnih omrežij je iz leta v leto bolj razširjena. Vpletla so se v velik del naših življenj, zato jih ne moremo prezreti niti na področju zaposlovanja. Z razvojem in uporabo spletnih socialnih omrežij so se posledično spremenile tudi prakse kadrovskih služb. Vse več je namreč kadrovskih delavcev, ki pri iskanju in selekciji novih kadrov uporabljajo tovrstne metode. Omogočajo jim hitrejši in cenejši način pridobivanja ustreznih kadrov. Uporabniki si na spletu ustvarijo svoj profil in na njem delijo svoje hobije, interese, zanimanja, kompetence in številne druge informacije, ki lahko pritegnejo pozornost delodajalcev. Cilj magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšno vlogo imajo spletna socialna omrežja pri kadrovanju. Predvsem me je zanimalo, ali podjetja pogosto izbirajo socialna omrežja kot ključno orodje za pridobivanje kadrov, ali se še vedno raje poslužujejo bolj tradicionalnih načinov iskanja ustreznih kandidatov. Predstavila sem prednosti, slabosti in značilnosti uporabe spletnih socialnih omrežij pri procesu kadrovanja. Zanimalo me je tudi, ali podjetja pri iskanju novih delavcev preverijo njihove osebne profile na socialnih omrežjih, kot je npr. Facebook, da tako dobijo vpogled v kandidatovo zasebno življenje. V raziskovalnem delu naloge sem uporabila kvantitativno metodo raziskovanja, in sicer vprašalnik odprtega tipa. Za obdelavo podatkov pa sem uporabila metodo analize teksta, s pomočjo katere sem iz zbranih odgovorov lahko izpostavila ključne poudarke in posebnosti.


socialna omrežja;Facebook;kadrovanje;pridobivanje in selekcija kadrov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [K. Batagelj]
UDC: 005.953.2:316.472.4(043.2)
COBISS: 99996419 Link will open in a new window
Views: 227
Downloads: 69
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The use of social networks in staff recruitment and selection
Secondary abstract: The common use of social networks is becoming more and more widespread from year to year. They are a big part of our everyday lives, so we cannot ignore them in the human resources fields. Namely this fields have greatly changed with development and usage of online social networks. There are more and more human resources workers that are using those advantages in the search and selection of new staff members. This is one of the cheapest in fastest way to get the right staff. Job seekers namely creates their own profile online and share their hobbies, interests, competencies and many other information that attract the attention of employers. The aim of the master’s degree is to determine the role that online social networks play in staffing. I was mostly interested in whether the companies are making the use of social networks as a key tool for recruiting staff, or whether they still prefer the more traditional ways of finding the right candidates. I presented the advantages, disadvantages and characteristics of using social networks in recruitment process. I was also interested in whether the companies do background check of the job seeker's personal profiles on social medias, e.g. Facebook, to gain insight into his or hers »private« life. In the research part of the thesis, I used a quantitative method, namely an open-ended questionnaire. However, I used text analysis method for data processing, because it enabled me to highlight key emphasis and peculiarities from the collected answers.
Secondary keywords: social networks;Facebook;recruitment;staff recruitment and selection;Upravljanje s človeškimi viri;Trg dela;Družbena omrežja (internet);Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 63 str.
ID: 14519288
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