doktorska disertacija
Jaka Potočnik (Author), Mitja Košir (Mentor), Zvonko Jagličić (Thesis defence commission member), Zvone Balantič (Thesis defence commission member), Tomaž Novljan (Thesis defence commission member), Matej Bernard Kobav (Thesis defence commission member), Mateja Dovjak (Co-mentor)


Izsledki zadnjih desetletij so prispevali k razumevanju, da je predvsem dnevna svetloba najpomembnejši narekovalec cirkadianega sistema in pomembno sodeluje pri usklajevanju bioritma najpomembnejših človeških telesnih funkcij. Kljub velikemu številu raziskav, opravljenih na temo povezave cirkadianega sistema z dnevno svetlobo, pa vendar še ni povsem jasno, kolikšen je vpliv lastnosti notranjega grajenega okolja na cirkadiane aspekte svetlobnega okolja. Doktorska disertacija tako obravnava tematiko vpliva optičnih in geometrijskih lastnosti notranjega okolja na cirkadiano svetlobno okolje (s poudarkom na optičnih lastnostih). Vpliv lastnosti notranjega grajenega okolja je bil ovrednoten na podlagi enostransko osvetljenih vzorčnih celičnih pisarn, katerih svetlobna okolja smo ovrednotili na podlagi meritev in simulacijskih izračunov. Analize meritev pokažejo, da ima na cirkadiani potencial v prostoru sprememba barve zidov večji vpliv kakor sprememba nasičenosti ter da je vpliv presevnosti zasteklitve na cirkadiani potencial prostora večji kakor vpliv odsevnosti zidov. To dodatno potrdimo s simulacijsko analizo, kjer se okno izkaže kot najvplivnejši arhitekturno-gradbeni element. Vpliv vseh lastnosti notranjega okolja se izkaže za dinamičnega in spreminjajočega v odvisnosti od položaja in usmerjenosti pogleda uporabnika. Dodatne simulacijske analize prostorov v različnih vremenskih razmerah in pri različnih orientacijah pokažejo, da cirkadianega okolja ne moremo vrednotiti zgolj z ustaljenimi vizualnimi metodami, razen ob specifičnih vremenskih razmerah v spektralno nevtralnih prostorih. Spoznanja iz disertacije opozarjajo na pomembnost zavedanja o cirkadianih aspektih grajenega okolja že v načrtovalski fazi in na pomembnost ozaveščanja uporabnikov stavb o lastnostih izbranih materialov, ki kot je pokazala izvedena anketa, izbirajo materiale notranjega grajenega okolja na podlagi osebnih preferenc.


Grajeno okolje;gradbeništvo;disertacije;osvetljevanje z dnevno svetloba;cirkadiani ritem;zdravo notranje grajeno okolje;grajeno okolje;cirkadiano svetlobno okolje;cirkadiani potencial;presevnost zasteklitve;odsevnost zidov;barva zidov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [J. Potočnik]
UDC: 551.521.16:728.2:620.9(043.3)
COBISS: 93990147 Link will open in a new window
Views: 352
Downloads: 78
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Influence of indoor surface optical properties on the circadian potential of daylight in buildings
Secondary abstract: The findings of recent decades have contributed to the understanding that daylight is the most influential mediator of the circadian system and plays a vital role in the human system's essential functions coordination. Despite the large body of research on circadian light, the influence of the properties of the indoor built environment on the circadian aspects of the lighting environment is not yet entirely clear. Therefore, this doctoral dissertation explores the influence of the indoor built environment's optical and geometric properties on the circadian luminous environment (emphasizing optical properties). Latter properties' influence was evaluated based on side-lit cell offices, whose lighting environment was assessed based on experimental measurements and simulations. Experiments have shown that wall colour change more significantly affects the circadian potential than the change in saturation. Furthermore, window transmissivity exerts a more significant impact on the rooms' circadian potential than reflectivity. This was further confirmed by simulations, where the window was identified as the most influential building element. Moreover, the impact of all studied influential properties was identified as dependant on the user's position and view orientation. Simulations under different weather conditions and orientations illustrate that the circadian environment cannot be evaluated by established visual methods, except under specific conditions. The findings of this dissertation emphasize the importance of awareness about circadian aspects in the early design phases and the importance of raising buildings' occupant's awareness of selected materials' properties. Occupants, as shown by the conducted survey, choose materials of the internal environment based on personal preference.
Secondary keywords: Built Environment;civil engineering;doctoral thesis;daylighting;circadian rhythm;healthy indoor built environment;built environment;circadian lighting;circadian potential;reflectance;transmissivity;wall colour;Dnevna svetloba;Disertacije;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XXXVI, 214 str., [41] str. pril.
ID: 14673445