delo diplomskega projekta


Stres je čustveni, duševni, telesni in vedenjski odgovor posameznika. Lahko bi ga opisali kot odziv na življenjske izkušnje. Je dogajanje med posameznikom in zunanjim svetom. V današnjem času, besedo stres slišimo zelo pogosto, saj postaja velik problem delovnega sveta. Stres prizadene posameznika, zaposlene v podjetju ter tudi organizacijo. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega projekta smo se osredotočili na stres kot posameznika ter organizacijo. Spoznali smo, da nam vsakodnevne dejavnosti predstavljajo stres in da se iz začetne faze lahko preveli v končno fazo, kot je posledica izgorevanje. Posamezniku se naprej začnejo pojavljat simptomi, potem pa posledice. Da bi ga, kar se da obvladovali je pomembno, da se stresa zavedamo in ga probamo čimprej odpravit. Za to smo tekom pisanja diplomskega projekta spoznali, da je pomembno, da se zdravo prehranjujemo, imamo dobro fizično pripravljenost, ter se izogibamo alkoholu, kajenju. Ugotovili smo, da je stres na delovnem mestu dandanes zelo prisoten in da ima velik vpliv na organizacijo kot celoto. Veliko stresorjev kot je preobremenjenost, slab odnos s sodelavci, napredovanje, mobing na delovnem mestu vodijo v delovni stres. Bolje kot smo raziskovali stres na delovnem mestu, smo prišli do spoznanja, da ni vsak stres na delovnem mestu negativen, lahko je tudi pozitiven, v smislu nagrajevanja, motiviranja, dobrega vodenja in dobra razporeditev delovnih nalog zaposlenih. Da bi bilo stresa na delovnem mestu čim manj, je pomembno da imamo dobro socialno podporo, pozitivno naravnanost, dobre delovne pogoje itd. V empiričnem delu diplomskega projekta smo preverili teorijo o podjetju X, kako se zaposleni spopadajo z obvladovanjem stresa v podjetju, ter ali ima stres posledice na njihove medsebojne odnose. V pomoč nam je bil anketni vprašalnik, katerega smo sestavili na podlagi naših hipotez. Z odgovori zaposlenih v podjetju X, smo prišli do željenih rezultatov glede na naše postavljene hipoteze. Prvo hipotezo, da je COVID19 – kriza zelo vplivala na zaposlene v podjetju X smo potrdili, drugo hipotezo da imajo vodilni in vodstvo več stresa kot zaposleni na nižjih nivojih tudi. Ter tretjo, četrto in zadnjo prav tako, ki se glasijo, da ženske občutijo večji stres kot moški in da stres lahko na zaposlene vpliva tudi pozitivno, v smislu nagrajevanja, motiviranja. Zadnjo hipotezo smo prav tako potrdili, saj zaposleni v podjetju X, menijo da stres na medsebojne odnose vpliva občasno oz. pogosto. Bolj podrobneje smo hipoteze ter tudi ostala vprašanja v anketnem vprašalniku predstavili v diplomskem projektu.


delovno okolje;medosebni odnosi;stres;stres na delovnem mestu;premagovanje stresa;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [I. Mecilošek]
UDC: 331.44
COBISS: 112641539 Link will open in a new window
Views: 174
Downloads: 26
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Stress at a chosen workplace
Secondary abstract: Stress is an emotional, mental, physical and behavioral response of an individual. It could be described as a response to life experiences. It is happening between the individual and the outside world. Nowadays, the word stress is heard very often as it becomes a big problem of the work world. Stress affects the individual, the employees of the company as well as the organization. In the theoretical part of the diploma project, we focused on stress as an individual and organization. We learned that our daily activities are stressful and that we can move from the initial phase to the final phase as a result of burnout. The individual continues to experience symptoms and then the consequences. In order to manage it as much as possible, it is important to be aware of stress and try to eliminate it as soon as possible. For this, while writing the diploma project, we realized that it is important to eat a healthy diet, have good physical fitness, and avoid alcohol and smoking. We found that workplace stress is very present these days and has a big impact on the organization as a whole. Many stressors such as overwork, poor relationship with co-workers, promotion, mobbing in the workplace lead to work stress. The better we researched workplace stress, the more we realized that not every workplace stress is negative, it can also be positive, in terms of rewarding, motivating, good leadership, and a good distribution of employees ’work tasks. In order to keep stress at work to a minimum, it is important that we have good social support, a positive attitude, good working conditions, and so on. In the empirical part of the diploma project, we tested the theory of company X, how employees cope with stress management in the company, and whether stress has consequences on their relationships. We were assisted by a survey questionnaire, which we compiled based on our hypotheses. With the answers of the employees in company X, we came to the desired results according to our hypotheses. We confirmed the first hypothesis that COVID19 - the crisis greatly affected the employees in company X, and the second hypothesis that managers and management have more stress than employees at lower levels as well. And the third, fourth and last also, which are that women feel more stress than men and that stress can also have a positive effect on employees, in terms of reward, motivation. We also confirmed the last hypothesis, as employees in company X believe that stress affects interpersonal relationships from time to time or. often. We presented the hypotheses and other questions in more detail in the questionnaire in the diploma project.
Secondary keywords: Stress;company;workplace stress;stress phases;interpersonal relationships;overcoming stress.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 34 str., [3] str. pril.
ID: 14779928
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