diplomsko delo
Patricija Zobec (Author), Sabina Šinko (Mentor)


Lutka je veliko več kot le predmet ali igrača, ki pritegne otroke in tudi odrasle. Ne-le da se otroci z njo igrajo ali zaigrajo v predstavi, lahko se tudi preprosto pogovarjajo, se od nje naučijo novih stvari ali si jo celo sami izdelajo. Z lutkami lažje otrokom približamo probleme, s katerimi se srečuje današnja družba, in jih predstavimo na njim razumljiv način. Z lutko se lažje poistovetijo, se ji zaupajo in se ob njej prej sprostijo. Zato je odličen posrednik v komunikaciji in uporabna pri različnih dejavnostih. Njeno vsestranskost smo izkoristili za izvedbo projekta v Vrtcu Hoče, s katerim smo predšolskim otrokom približali dejstva o koronavirusu SARS-CoV-2, ki povzroča bolezen COVID-19. Otroci so spoznali značilnosti virusa, bolezni COVID-19 in ukrepe za preprečevanje širjenja novega virusa. Hkrati so se seznanili, se igrali in izdelovali lutke ter pripravili lutkovno predstavo. V njej so zaigrali s svojimi lutkami na zgodbo o pandemiji novega koronavirusa. S projektom so otroci pridobili nova znanja in se navdušili nad lutkovnimi dejavnostmi.


diplomska dela;lutkovno-gledališka vzgoja;lutke;otroci;koronavirus;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Zobec]
UDC: 373.2:[792.97:616.98-036.21:578.834](043.2)
COBISS: 107460611 Link will open in a new window
Views: 106
Downloads: 16
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Getting to know COVID-19 through puppets
Secondary abstract: A puppet is more than just an object or a toy that attracts children as well as adults. Children do not only play with it or use it in a show, but they can also talk to it, use it as a learning tool or even make it themselves. Puppets are used to explain and draw closer certain problems and situations that are ongoing in today's society. Children associate to the puppet, trust it, and relax in its company. Consequently, a puppet acts as an excellent mediator in communication and can be used in various activities. Puppets' versatility was used during a project carried out in Kindergarten Hoče where pre-school children we explained facts about coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 disease. Children learned about the characteristics of the virus, COVID-19 disease, and measurements to contain the spread of the virus. At the same time, children got to know puppets, played with them, and made puppets themselves which they later used in a puppet show to present the story about the coronavirus situation. With this project children acquired new knowledge and skills and became enthusiastic about activities including puppets.
Secondary keywords: theses;puppetry and theatre education;puppets;children;coronavirus;Lutke;Predšolska vzgoja;SARS-CoV-2 (virus);Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XI, 79 str.))
ID: 14863189
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