diplomska naloga
Monika Cuder Skrlič (Author), Friderika Kresal (Reviewer), Mojca Amon (Mentor)


Uvod in namen: Spremembe ravnotežja privedejo do zmanjšanja funkcijskih sposobnosti. Fizioterapevtska obravnava se začne s fizioterapevtsko diagnostiko, ki vključuje tudi ocenjevalne ravnotežne zmogljivosti. Namen diplomskega naloge je predstaviti pomen fizioterapevtske diagnostike ravnotežja, ki vključuje ocenjevalne postopke za oceno ravnotežnih zmogljivosti, izvedbo in oceno določenih ravnotežnih testov ter pomen ohranjanja in krepitve ravnotežja. Metode: Uporabljena je deskriptivna metoda. Pri preučevanju literature smo uporabljali ameriško podatkovno zbirko PubMed in slovenski sistem COBISS. Vključitvena merila so predstavljala vse vire informacij v navedenem časovnem obdobju, skladno s preučevano vsebino in članke. Izključitvena merila so obsegala vse prispevke izven časovnega obsega ter vsebinsko neskladne objave. Rezultati: V pregled literature smo vključili 10 ustreznih znanstvenih člankov. Uporabnost: Pregled sodobnih smernic lahko predstavlja oprijem za uspešno uporabo testov ravnotežja v fizioterapij ter kinezioterapevtske vadbe ravnotežja. Omejitve: Omejitev preglednega dela je predstavljala izbira podatkovne zbirke PubMed, ki pa smo jo želeli pregledati v namen preučevanja prisotnosti testov ravnotežja in kinezioterapevtske vadbe v izbrani medicinski zbirki podatkov.


ravnotežje;testi;kinezioterapija;diagnostika;vadba ravnotežja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Publisher: [M. Cuder Skrlič]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 105449475 Link will open in a new window
Views: 80
Downloads: 5
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Balance tests in physiotherapeutic diagnosis and exercise program of kinesiotherapy
Secondary abstract: Introduction and purpose: Changes in balance lead to a decrease in functional abilities. Physiotherapeutic treatment begins with physiotherapeutic diagnostics that include evaluation procedures, including balance performance. The purpose of the bachelor’s thesis is to present the significance of physiotherapeutic balance diagnostics that includes evaluation procedures for evaluating balance performance, performance and evaluation of certain balance tests, and the significance of maintaining and strengthening balance. Methods: The descriptive method was used. In studying the literature, we used the American PubMed database and the Slovenian COBISS system. The inclusion criteria represented all sources of information in the indicated time period, according to the content and articles studied. The exclusion criteria included all out-of-time papers and publications inconsistent in substance. Results: We included 10 relevant scientific articles in the literature review. Usefulness: A review of modern guidelines can represent a grip on the successful use of balance tests in physiotherapy, as well as kinesiotherapy balance exercises. Limitations: A limitation of the manageable work was the choice of the PubMed database, which, however, we wanted to review to study balance tests and kinesiotherapy exercises.
Secondary keywords: balance;tests;kinesiotherapy;diagnostics;balance training;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0020382
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Visokošolski zavod Fizioterapevtika
Pages: 35 str., [14] str. pril.
ID: 15108154