diplomsko delo
Nina Perhavec (Author), Mirjam Ravljen (Reviewer), Tina Kavčič (Mentor)


Uvod: Medosebna komunikacija je del našega vsakdana, z ljudmi okoli sebe komuniciramo doma, v javnosti, na delovnem mestu. Komunikacijo lahko definiramo kot izmenjevanje, posredovanje informacij med pošiljateljem in prejemnikom. Pri nudenju zdravstvene oskrbe, naj bo to na primarni, sekundarni ali terciarni ravni, je komunikacija pomembni sestavni del oskrbe. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati pomen ustrezne komunikacije med zdravstvenimi delavci v perioperativnem okolju, natančneje v operacijski dvorani. Metode dela: Diplomsko delo temelji na deskriptivni metodi dela in sicer pregledu literature s področja zdravstvene nege in psihologije s pomočjo sledečih bibiliografskih baz: Medline, Pubmed in portal Dikul. Uporabljena literatura je bila v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku in je bila v celoti dostopna bodisi v elektronski obliki, bodisi fizično v obliki knjig. Določeni so bili vključitveni in izključitveni kriteriji. Rezultati: Delo v operacijski dvorani je tehnično zahtevno, pozornost je potrebno nameniti zdravstveni negi, varnosti pacienta in slediti kirurškemu ali drugemu invazivnemu posegu. V vseh osmih analiziranih raziskavah so prišli do enakega zaključka in potrdili, da komunikacija med zdravstvenimi delavci v operacijski dvorani resnično vpliva na varnost pacienta in izid operativnega posega. Več študij je pokazalo razlike v dojemanju komunikacije med kirurgi, anestezijsko ekipo in operacijskimi medicinskimi sestrami. Kirurgi komunikacijo ocenjujejo kot boljšo, na drugi strani pa anestezijska ekipa in operacijske medicinske sestre isto komunikacijo ocenjujejo kot slabšo. Intervencije in instrumenti za izboljšanje kakovosti komunikacije so omenjeni le v redkih raziskavah in so nenatančno opisani. Razprava in zaključek: Na področju komunikacije med zdravstvenimi delavci v operacijski dvorani je prostor za izboljšave in nadaljnje raziskave, predvsem pri iskanju in uporabi ustreznih intervencij, ki bi krepile interdisciplinarno komunikacijo.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;komunikacija;intraoperativno okolje;timsko delo;varnost pacienta;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [N. Perhavec]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 112104707 Link will open in a new window
Views: 101
Downloads: 30
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimportance of communication between healthcare workers in the operating room: a literature review
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Interpersonal communication is a part of our everyday life, we communicate with people around us at home, work and in public. Communication can be defined as an exchange, a transmission of information between a sender and the receiver. Communication is an important component of healthcare, whether at primary, secondary or tertiary level. Purpose: The aim of this diploma thesis is to investigate the importance of appropriate communication between healthcare professionals in the perioperative environment, more precisely in the operating room. Methods: This diploma work is based on a descriptive method of work, namely a review of the literature in the field of nursing and psychology with the help of the following bibliographic databases: Medline, Pubmed and Dikul. The literature reviewed was written in Slovene and English and was fully accessible either electronically or physically in the form of books. Inclusion and exclusion criteria have been set. Results: Working in the operating room is technically demanding and attention must be paid to patient care, safety, and to following surgical procedures. All eight studies came to the same conclusion, confirming that communication between healthcare professionals in the operating room has a real impact on patient safety and surgical outcome. Several studies have shown differences in the perception of communication between surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists and operating theater nurses. Surgeons rate communication as good, while on the other hand anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists and operating theatre nurses rate the same communication as bad. Interventions and instruments to improve quality of communication are mentioned only in a few studies and are described imprecisely. Discussion and conclusion: There is room for improvement, and further research in the area of communication between healthcare professionals in the operating room is needed, especially in the search for appropriate interventions to strengthen interdisciplinary communication.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;communication;intraoperative environment;teamwork;patient safety;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 18 str., [4] str. pril.
ID: 15673297