Renata Debeljak (Author)


V prvem delu prispevka je predstavljena analiza Prešernove poezije v starem (2011) in posodobljenem (2018) učnem načrtu za slovenščino ter v ponujenih učnih gradivih za osnovno šolo. Drugi del prispevka pa prikazuje izbor Prešernove poezije v 8. in 9. razredu osnovne šole, prvi učenčev stik z besedilom, načine sprejemanja, vrste branja, pri čemer so pomembne vse stopnje bralnega procesa – doživljanje, razumevanje in vrednotenje –, ob upoštevanju pregleda minimalnih in temeljnih standardov. Ob konkretnih primerih so prikazane nadaljnje faze šolske interpretacije s poglobljenim razvijanjem učenčeve sporazumevalne zmožnosti, kritičnega razmišljanja in ustvarjalnosti do razumevanja besedila.


osnovna šola;pouk književnosti;sporazumevalne zmožnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 821.163.6-1.09Prešeren F.:373.3
COBISS: 91875587 Link will open in a new window
Views: 50
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The first part of the article provides an analysis of Prešeren’s poetry in both curricula for Slovene language, i.e., the one from 2011, and the updated one from 2018. It also offers an analysis of Prešeren’s poetry in the Slovene language course books. The second part presents a selection of Prešeren’s poetry in years 8 and 9 of primary school, the students’ first contact with the text, methods of acceptance and types of reading, where all the stages of the reading process are important – experience, understanding and evaluation, which embrace the minimum and basic learning aims. Specific examples show further phases of school interpretation, with in-depth development of the student’s communicative ability, critical thinking and creativity.
Secondary keywords: Slovenian literature;Slovenian poetry;Slovenian poets;primary school;literature lessons;communicative ability;Prešeren;France;1800-1849;Slovenska poezija;Slovenski pesniki;
Pages: Str. 319-326
DOI: 10.4312/Obdobja.40.319-326
ID: 15832372
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