Špela Zupan (Author)


V prispevku najprej predstavim rezultate ankete med profesorji slovenščine na gimnazijah, s katero sem raziskala, koliko in na kakšne načine se s sodobno slovensko poezijo pri pouku srečujejo gimnazijci. Pri raziskavi me je še posebej zanimalo, ali so pri pouku občasno obravnavane tudi pesmi mlade pesniške generacije. V drugem delu prispevka na primerih dobre prakse prikažem, kakšni so lahko za dijake privlačni načini obravnave sodobne slovenske poezije ter zakaj jo je smiselno obravnavati že pred zadnjim letnikom. Predstavim, kako lahko z medbesedilnim branjem dijake seznanjamo tudi z mlado pesniško generacijo in s tem popestrimo običajne šolske ure ter utrjujemo znanje iz učnega načrta.


pouk književnosti;gimnazije;mlada pesniška generacija;medbesedilno branje;problemski pouk;ustvarjalni pouk;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 821.163.6-1.09:373.5
COBISS: 92367363 Link will open in a new window
Views: 44
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The article starts with a presentation of results of a survey among Slovene high school language teachers. The survey evaluated how much and in what way the students are encountering contemporary Slovene poetry in their lessons. One key question addressed is whether the poetry of the younger poetic generation is also occasionally discussed in class. In the second part, based on examples of good practice, attractive methods of discussing contemporary Slovene poetry are illustrated, and why it would make sense to start using it before the final year of high school. Using intertextual reading can be a method that allows students to encounter the work of younger poets, while strengthening the knowledge required by the curriculum and making school lessons more attractive.
Secondary keywords: Slovenian literature;Slovenian poetry;literature lessons;high school;younger generation of poets;intertextual reading;problem-focused lessons;creative lessons;Slovenska poezija;
Pages: Str. 341-346
DOI: 10.4312/Obdobja.40.341-346
ID: 15832375
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