(diplomsko delo)
Marjeta Ploj (Author), Marjeta Kokoš (Mentor), Kazimir Miksić (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava zdravstveno nego pacienta z venskim ulcusom. V prvem delu uvoda smo izpostavili namen ter cilje diplomskega dela. Nadalje smo opredelili kronično vensko popuščanje, pojavnost, simptome, znake ter dejavnost tveganja za kronično vensko bolezen. V drugem poglavju smo prav tako predstavili klasifikacijo kronične venske bolezni ter opredelili termin razjeda goleni. Tretji del naloge zajema zdravstveno nego pacienta z ulcusom. Glede na trend zdravljenja smo opisali sodobno oskrbo venskih ulcusov ter zdravljenje ulcusov. Poudarek je na partnerskem odnosu med medicinsko sestre ter ostalimi sodelujočimi v zdravstveni oskrbi pacienta z venskim ulcusom ter uporabi in upoštevanju etičnega pristopa do pacienta. V tem poglavju smo prav tako opisali proces zdravstvene nege ter procesno metodo dela po kateri poteka oskrba venskih ulcusov v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Maribor. Slednje smo ugotavljali z raziskavo, ki nam je hkrati podala rezultate, da anketiranci poznajo sodobno ter klasično oskrbo venskih ulcusov, ki jo izvajajo po procesu zdravstvene nege ter vključujejo uporabo negovalnih diagnoz, med katerimi so najpogostejše bolečina, zvišana možnost infekcije, strah, motnje spanja ter poškodba tkiva. Glede na to, da so imenovane negovalne diagnoze usmerjene v bolezen lahko opravičimo s tem, da gre pri pacientih v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru za hospitalizacije in lahko negovalne diagnoze usmerjene v zdravje ugotavljajo za to prisotni zdravstveni kader, ki deluje v domačem okolju pacienta (patronažno zdravstveno varstvo).


venska razjeda;zdravljenje;proces zdravstvene nege;negovalna diagnoza;medicinska oskrba;partnerstvo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Ploj]
UDC: 616.5-083
COBISS: 1846692 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2195
Downloads: 302
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Nursing care of a patient"s with venous ulceration
Secondary abstract: A dissertation deals with nursing care of a patient with vein ulcer. We emphasised intention and goals of a dissertation within first work of introduction. We determined chronically vein concession, occurence, symptoms, signs and activity of hazard for a chronically veins disease forward. We introduced classification of a chronic veins disease as well in other chapter and determined term ulceration of shin. Third part of task is capturing nursing care of a patient with ulcer. We described contemporary care of veins ulcers and treatment of ulcers considering trend of treatment. Emphasis is on partnership attitude between nurses and others cooperating within health care of a patient with vein ulcer and uses and consideration of ethical approach towards a patient. We wrote up the process of nursing care and process manner of work as well in this chapter supply of veins ulcers in the University Clinical Centre of Maribor takes place round which. We were finding out with research, that she passed us results at the same time, that interviewees know contemporary and classical supply of veins ulcers, that nursing cares are carrying out her after a process and they comprise use of nursing diagnoses, they are pain during which oftenest, raised possibility of an infection, fear, sleep disorders and the injury of tissue. Considering this, that are appointed nursing diagnosis guided to a disease can justify with this, that it is hospitalizations at patients in the University Clinical Centre of Maribor and easily nursing diagnosis guided to health find out for this present health shot, that he works in in-country environment of a patient (home health care).
Secondary keywords: vein ulcer;treatment;the process of nursing care;nursing diagnoses;nursing care;partnership;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VI, 66 f., 6 f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;pathology;clinical medicine;patologija;klinična medicina;skin;common integument;clinical dermatology;cutaneous complaints;koža;klinična dermatologija;kožne bolezni;
ID: 15873