60 let institucionalizacije
Igor Lukšič (Author)


Politologija je v svetu postala močna etablirana znanstvena disciplina šele v dvajsetem stoletju kot refleksija in opora procesom demokratizacije in dekolonizacije. Z utrjevanjem projekta izgradnje slovenske države v okviru projekta jugoslovanskega socialističnega samoupravljanja in poglabljanja nestrankarske demokracije pa se je oblikovala tudi prva institucija za politične vede v Sloveniji – Visoka šola za politične vede. Tedaj je politologija vključevala družbene vede v celoti, tj. sociologijo, zgodovino, filozofijo, psihologijo, ekonomijo, pravo. Politične vede so postopno postale ožji pojem od družboslovja, politologija pa ena od družboslovnih disciplin. To kaže tudi poimenovanje fakultete: od Visoke šole za politične vede k Fakulteti za družbene vede. Hkrati je stekel še proces diferenciacije v okviru politologije, tako da se kot samostojno področje v slovenskih razmerah razvijejo mednarodni odnosi, obramboslovje, analiza politik ter javna uprava in politična teorija. Ta štiri področja so oblikovala tudi posebne študijske programe na dodiplomski, magistrski in doktorski ravni. Tako so organizirani tudi raziskovalni centri na področju politologije


Politične vede;Slovenija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
UDC: 32(497.4)"1961/2021":378
COBISS: 111795203 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Views: 31
Downloads: 6
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Political science in the Republic of Slovenia: 60 years of institutionalisation
Secondary abstract: Political science only became a well-established scientific discipline in the world in the 20th century as a reflection and support for the processes of democratisation and decolonisation. The consolidation of the efforts to build the Slovenian nation state within the project of Yugoslav socialist self-MANAGEMENT and the deepening of non-party democracy led to the first institution being established for political science in Slovenia – the High School of Political Science. Back then, political science included the social sciences as a whole, namely: sociology, history, philosophy, psychology, economics and law. Political science has gradually become a narrower concept than the social sciences, and political science one of the social sciences. This is also shown by the naming of the faculty: from the High School of Political Science to the Faculty of Social Sciences. At the same time, the process of differentiation within political science began such that international relations, defence studies, policy analysis, public administration and political theory developed as independent fields in Slovenian conditions. These four areas have also designed special study programmes on the undergraduate, master’s and doctoral levels. Research centres in the field of political science are also organised in this way
Secondary keywords: Politične vede;Slovenija;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 195-221
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ59
Issue: Posebna št.
Chronology: 2022
DOI: 10.51936/tip.59.posebnastevilka1.195-221
ID: 16094921
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