magistrsko delo
Maja Keršič (Author), Andreja Kozmus (Mentor)


Vzporedno s povečano uporabo interneta in novih informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij se medvrstniško nasilje s šolskih igrišč vse bolj premika na svetovni splet. Med mladimi narašča dnevna uporaba spleta, ki krepko presega priporočila strokovnjakov. Kljub temu da se stopnja digitalne pismenosti mladih povečuje, so le-ti pogosto na spletu podvrženi številnim škodljivim vsebinam in različnim oblikam spletnega nasilja, ki ima zaradi svojih specifičnih značilnosti in posebnosti pogosto hujše posledice kot "klasično oz. tradicionalno medvrstniško nasilje". Spletno nasilje postaja vse bolj kritičen problem, čeprav se na prvi pogled zdi, da zaradi svoje virtualne oz. "neresnične" narave v družbi še vedno ni prepoznano kot velik razlog za skrb. Cilj magistrskega dela je raziskati stališča in doživljanje srednješolcev o problematiki spletnega medvrstniškega nasilja. Zanimajo nas predvsem njihove spletne navade oz. preživljanje časa na internetu, z njim želimo preveriti obstoj povezave med časom, ki ga mladi dnevno preživijo ob elektronskih napravah z dostopom do interneta in pogostejšim soočenjem s spletnim medvrstniškim nasiljem. Naš cilj je raziskati, ali spletno medvrstniško nasilje pogosteje povzročajo dijaki ali dijakinje. Še posebno se bomo osredotočili na žrtve spletnega medvrstniškega nasilja, kjer želimo raziskati obstoj razlik spoloma glede občutkov, ki jih doživljajo, ko se znajdejo v vlogi žrtve spletnega nasilja. Zanima nas še, kako srednješolci presojajo posledice spletnega nasilja in koliko so o spletnem medvrstniškem nasilju informirani na šoli. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej orisali pojem nasilje, nato medvrstniško nasilje ter se šele potem posvetili pojmu spletno medvrstniško nasilje. Slednjega smo opredelili, opisali njegove posebnosti, oblike in posledice. Posvetili smo se še pastem družbenih omrežij in spletnemu nasilju na njih. Nato smo pojem medvrstniškega nasilja umestili v šolski prostor, kjer nas je zanimala vloga šolske klime pri njegovem preprečevanju ter vloga šolske in vrstniške mediacije. Raziskali smo tudi vlogo šole in staršev pri strategijah preprečevanja spletnega medvrstniškega nasilja. V empiričnem delu smo analizo predstavili v petih podpoglavjih, ki sovpadajo z raziskovalnimi vprašanji: preživljanje časa na internetu, povzročitelji spletnega medvrstniškega nasilja, žrtve spletnega medvrstniškega nasilja, (ne)prija na policiji, stališča srednješolcev glede posledic spletnega medvrstniškega nasilja ter informiranost o spletnem medvrstniškem nasilju na šoli. Ob tem so nas zanimali predvsem vloga spola, starosti in izobraževalnega programa. V raziskavi so sodelovali 703 srednješolci iz 181 slovenskih srednjih šol. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da srednješolci, ki dnevno preživijo ob elektronskih napravah z dostopom do interneta več časa, tudi pogosteje postanejo žrtve spletnega medvrstniškega nasilja. Ugotovili smo, da le manjši delež srednješolcev povzroča spletno medvrstniško nasilje. Izkazalo se je, da ga dijaki izvajajo pogosteje kot dijakinje. Zanimiva je tudi ugotovitev, da se srednješolci, ki se znajdejo v vlogi žrtve spletnega nasilja, najpogosteje počutijo jezno, osramočeno, zaskrbljeno in razburjeno. Dijakinje v vlogi žrtve pogosteje doživljajo negativne občutke in so v stiski. Medtem ko je dijakom bolj vseeno in smešno. Ugotavljamo, da večina srednješolcev meni, da ima spletno nasilje lahko hude posledice ter da se srednješolci v povprečju niti ne strinjajo niti se strinjajo, da so v šoli deležni dovolj informacij in ozaveščanja o spletnem nasilju.


magistrska dela;medvrstniško nasilje;spletno nasilje;srednješolci;šola;starši;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [Kešič M.]
UDC: 343.232:004.738.5-057.87(043.2)
COBISS: 121096195 Link will open in a new window
Views: 9
Downloads: 4
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Online peer-to-peer violence among slovenian secondary school students
Secondary abstract: As the usage of internet and new information and communications technologies continues to rise, bullying is increasingly moving from the school yards to the world wide web. Daily usage of internet among young people is escalating and is greatly surpassing the recommended amount given by the experts. Despise the increase in digital literacy of young people, they are nevertheless frequently subjected to harmful contents and different forms of cyberbullying, which often have worse consequences than "classical or traditional bullying". Cyberbullying is becoming more and more of a threat, although it may seem at first that society still does not recognise it as a real threat due to its virtual or "unreal" nature. This master's thesis aims to research stances and perception of high school students on the problem of cyberbullying. We are particularly interested in their online habits, or rather their free time activity online. We want to investigate the correlation between the time spent on the internet and the frequency of cyberbullying faced by the young people. Our goal is to investigate if cyberbullying is more frequently perpetuated by male or female high school students. We will be focusing on the victims of cyberbullying and trying to determine if gender of the victims causes it to have different effect on the feelings they experience as a result. We are also interested in the opinions of high school students on the consequences of cyberbullying and how much information on cyberbullying they receive in school. In the theoretical part we first described the term violence, afterwards the term bullying and only after that we came to the term cyberbullying. We defined the latter and described its characteristics, forms and consequences. We also covered the traps of social networks and cyberbullying happening on it. Then we placed the meaning of bullying in the school room, where we wanted to know the role of school climate at preventing it, as well as the role of school and peer mediation. We also researched the role school and parents play in the strategies of preventing cyberbullying. In the empirical part we presented the analysis in five subchapters, which correspond to our research questions: spending time online, the perpetrators of cyberbullying, victims of cyberbullying, (not) reporting it to the police, stances of high school students on the consequences of cyberbullying and the information on cyberbullying they receive at school. We were particularly interested in the influence of gender, age and educational programme. 703 high school students from 181 high schools in Slovenia took part in the research. The research concluded that high school students who spend a lot time using electronic devices with internet access each day are more prone to be the victims of cyberbullying. We discovered that only a small portion of high school students perpetuates cyberbullying and the male students do it more often that the female students. It is also interesting, that the high school students who are the victims of cyberbullying tend to feel angry, ashamed, worried and upset. Female victims most often experience negative feelings and are in distress. On the other hand, the male students do not care es much and find it funny. We concluded that the majority of high school students agree that cyberbullying can have severe consequences, and the students neither disagree nor agree that they receive enough information on cyberbullying at their school.
Secondary keywords: master theses;peer-to-peer violence;online peer-to-peer violence;high school students;school;parents;Mladina in nasilje;Spletno nadlegovanje;Dijaki;Starši;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XII, 121 str.))
ID: 16107944
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