magistrsko delo
Špela Majcen (Author), Alenka Lipovec (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava tematiko šolanja na domu, pri čemer se osredotoča na poučevanje matematike. V teoretičnem delu smo celovito opredelili pojem šolanja na domu in predstavili zakonodajo šolanja na domu v Sloveniji ter njegove začetke, ki segajo izven slovenskih meja. Problematizirali smo odločitve, ki starše privedejo do tega, da se odločijo za šolanje na domu, in jih primerjali z izobraževanjem v javnih šolah. Prav tako je v magistrskem delu predstavljen predmet matematika, zakaj je ta potrebna v izobraževanju ter katere splošne cilje in kompetence učenci pridobijo pri učenju tega predmeta. V zaključku teoretičnega dela smo proučili nekatere dosedanje raziskave, ki obravnavajo poučevanje in učenje matematike tako v šoli kot na domu. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela je predstavljena raziskava, pri kateri smo s pomočjo narativnega intervjuja kot orodja kvalitativne metodologije pridobili vpogled v poučevanje matematike na domu pri šestih slovenskih starših, katerih otroci se šolajo na domu. Znotraj raziskave smo ugotovili, da starši poučevanje matematike organizirajo na načine, ki odgovarjajo njihovim otrokom, kot je učenje v vsakodnevnih okoliščinah in z igro. Starši vsako matematično uro poskušajo organizirati na zanimiv način, tudi s pomočjo pripomočkov, saj drugačnost učence še dodatno motivira za učenje. Prav tako nas je zanimala vključenost učnega načrta v sam proces poučevanja matematike, kjer se je izkazalo, da se ta med starši razlikuje. Nekateri starši učni načrt uporabljajo redno, medtem ko drugi učni načrt uporabljajo samo, ko se pripravljajo na zaključni izpit, da preverijo, ali so predelali vso snov. V primeru, da starši naletijo na snov, ki učencu ni razumljiva, jo poskušajo razložiti na drugačen način in s pomočjo pripomočkov ter se redko obrnejo po pomoč k drugim osebam. Pri organizaciji pouka in pridobivanju informacij za poučevanju na domu si starši pomagajo s spletom, veliko informacij dobijo tudi od drugih staršev, ki svoje otroke šolajo na domu.


magistrska dela;šolanje na domu;poučevanje matematike;vloga staršev;organizacija šolanja na domu;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [Š. Majcen]
UDC: 51:37.018.1(043.2)
COBISS: 130445059 Link will open in a new window
Views: 13
Downloads: 3
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Mathematics in homeschooling
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis deals with the topic of homeschooling, focusing on the teaching of Mathematics. In the theoretical part, we comprehensively defined the concept of homeschooling and presented the legislation of home schooling in Slovenia and its beginnings, which extend beyond Slovenian borders. We problematized the decisions that lead parents to decide on homeschooling and compared them with education in public schools. The master's thesis also presents the subject of Mathematics, why it is necessary in education, and what general goals and competencies students acquire when learning this subject. In the conclusion of the theoretical work, we have examined some of the previous research that deals with the teaching and learning of Mathematics both at school and at home. In the empirical part of the master's thesis, a research is presented, in which, with the help of a narrative interview as a tool of qualitative methodology, we gained insight into the teaching of mathematics at home among six Slovenian parents whose children are homeschooled. Within the research, we found that parents organize Mathematics teaching in ways that suit their children, such as learning through everyday situations and through games. Parents try to organize every Math lesson in an interesting way, also with the help of aids, because the difference further motivates students to learn. We were also interested in the inclusion of the curriculum in the Mathematics teaching process itself, where it turned out that this differs between parents. Some parents use the curriculum regularly, while others use it only when they are preparing for a final exam to check that they have covered all the learning material. If parents come across learning material that the student does not understand, they try to explain it in a different way and with the help of aids, and rarely turn to other people for help. When organizing classes and obtaining information for teaching at home, parents use the Internet to help themselves, and they also get a lot of information from other parents who homeschool their children.
Secondary keywords: master theses;homeschooling;teaching Mathematics;the role of parents;organization of homeschooling;Matematika;Pouk;Pouk na domu;Starši;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za matematiko in računalništvo
Pages: XII f., 133 str.
ID: 16305529