diplomsko delo
Laura Kokalj (Author), Iztok Podbregar (Mentor)


Kader je pomemben temelj samega delovanja v podjetjih in od kadrovske službe je odvisno, ali bo kadrovske dejavnosti izvajala učinkovito ali ne. Učinkovitost se opazi, predvsem ko se pojavi potreba po kadru. Takrat mora podjetje postopati po selekcijskih postopkih na čimbolj učinkovit in kakovosten način, da se izognejo morebitnim težavam. Za same selekcijske postopke v večjih podjetjih skrbi kadrovska služba. V manjših podjetjih pa kadrovske službe v večini primerov ni in delo kadrovikov opravlja nekdo drug. V naši diplomski nalogi smo se odločili, da v prvem delu predstavimo teoretične osnove. Spoznali se bomo z osnovnimi definicijami, ki so značilne za kadrovsko področje, proučili selekcijske postopke in se seznanili z analizo in opisom zahtev delovnega mesta, z metodami načrtovanja, iskanja, izbora ter uvajanja kadrov. V drugem delu pa si bomo ogledali raziskavo in analizo dveh intervjujev, ki smo ju opravili s sogovornikoma večjega in manjšega podjetja. Intervjuja nam bosta prikazala rezultate vprašanj, ki smo jih zastavili. Prek rezultatov bomo prek vprašanj lahko izvedeli, kakšne selekcijske postopke in metode uporablja tako veliko kot majhno podjetje. Potrdili ali ovrgli pa bomo lahko tudi hipoteze, ki smo jih postavili na začetku raziskave.


kadrovanje;kadrovska služba;selekcijski postopki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [L. Kokalj]
UDC: 005.3
COBISS: 129374723 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5
Downloads: 1
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Selection procedures in the company Domel d.o.o. and in the company Mizarstvo Zupanc d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: The staff is an important foundation of the company's operation itself, and it depends on the human resources department whether it will carry out HR activities effectively or not. Effectiveness is particularly noticeable when there is a need for staff. At that time, the company must follow the selection procedures in the most efficient and quality-oriented way possible, in order to avoid potential problems. In larger companies, the HR department is responsible for the selection process itself. In smaller companies, there is no HR department and in most cases, someone else does the work. In our thesis, we have decided to present the theoretical background in the first part. We will get to know the basic definitions that are characteristic of the human resources field, study selection procedures and become familiar with the analysis and description of job requirements, the methods of planning, searching, selecting and deploying staff. In the second part, we will look at the research and analysis of two interviews that we conducted with interlocutors from a large and a small company. The two interviews will show us the results of the questions we asked. Through the results of the questions, we will be able to find out what selection procedures and methods are used by both large and small companies. We will also be able to confirm or refute the hypothesis that we set at the beginning of the research.
Secondary keywords: Kadrovanje uslužbencev;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: VII, 73 f.
ID: 16414282
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