magistrsko delo
Tajda Šter (Author), Mojca Bavcon Kralj (Reviewer), Polonca Trebše (Mentor)


Uvod: Veliko ljudi zelo pogosto uporablja kopalne bazene za različne namene. Z večjo frekvenco uporabnikov bazenov je treba zagotoviti skladno kopalno vodo za vse uporabnike bazena. Za zagotavljanje skladne kopalne vode se uporablja dezinfekcija. Z dezinfekcijo preprečimo prenos širjenja mikroorganizmov. Poleg zatiranja mikroorganizmov pa dezinfekcijsko sredstvo reagira tudi s snovmi, ki jih človek vnese v kopalno vodo. Ob reakciji nastajajo različni stranski produkti dezinfekcije. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati področje nastanka stranskih produktov pri dezinfekciji kopalne vode ob sočasni uporabi rastlinskih ekstraktov. Metode dela: Najprej smo pregledali obstoječo literaturo, na podlagi katere smo nato nadaljevali z laboratorijskim delom. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov smo nato pripravili simulacijo zeliščne kopeli. Grelec je v zeliščni kopeli zagotavljal stalno temperaturo 35 °C. Vzorce smo v kopelih segrevali v erlenmajericah in vialah. Vse vzorce smo iz zeliščne kopeli odvzemali v naprej določenih časovnih intervalih in jih analizirali z metodo SPME vlakna (vzorci plinske faze) ali pa z ekstrakcijo tekoče/tekoče (vzorci vodne faze). Sete analiz smo izvedli tako v destilirani kot morski vodi. Po odvzemu vzorcev za analizo vodne faze je bilo treba vzorce ekstrahirati z diklorometanom, jih upariti ter nato analizirati na GC-MS. Vzorcev za analizo plinske faze predhodno ni bilo treba posebno pripraviti. Analiza vzorcev je potekala na plinskem kromatografu. Analizi je nato sledila še identifikacija spojin, ki so nastale med postopkom kloriranja. Rezultati: Z eksperimentalnim delom smo dokazali pojavnost stranskih produktov, ki v vodi nastanejo ob sočasni uporabi dezinfekcijskega sredstva in rastlinskega ekstrakta, v našem primeru limonena. V vseh odvzetih vzorcih, odvzetih ob različnih časovnih obdobjih, smo identificirali 18 različnih spojin. Spojine smo identificirali tako v vodni kot v plinski fazi vzorcev. V vodni fazi smo identificirali več različnih produktov kot v plinski fazi. Stranske produkte dezinfekcije smo identificirali tako ob uporabi destilirane kot tudi morske vode. Tekom kloriranja smo identificirali različne okside, primarne, sekundarne in terciarne produkte kloriranja ter primarne produkte bromiranja v morski vodi. Razprava in zaključek: V vzorcih, ki so bili postopku kloriranja izpostavljeni dalj časa, smo identificirali več različnih spojin kot pri vzorcih, ki so bili postopku kloriranja izpostavljeni manj časa. V vzorcih, odvzetih pri povišani temperaturi, smo dokazali pojavnost oksidov, ki jih pri vzorcih, odvzetih pri sobni temperaturi, nismo zaznali. V vzorcih z morsko vodo smo identificirali spojine z bromom, ki jih vzorci z destilirano vodo niso vsebovali. V nekaterih vzorcih smo zaznali nastanek trihalometanov.


magistrska dela;sanitarno inženirstvo;stranski produkti dezinfekcije;klorirane spojine;bromirane spojine;kopalni bazeni;rastlinski ekstrakti;limonen;dezinfekcija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [T. Šter]
UDC: 614
COBISS: 123023107 Link will open in a new window
Views: 10
Downloads: 5
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Reactivity of limonene in herbal baths under exposure to disinfectants
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Many people use thermal pools for different purposes. However, with the greater frequency of the users, it is necessary to provide pool water in accordance with the regulations for all users. To ensure that, disinfection is used. With disinfection, we prevent the transfer of dispersal of microorganisms. Besides that, disinfection agent also reacts with the substances in the pool water, brought in water by the people. That reaction produces different disinfection by-products. Purpose: The purpose of this Master thesis is to research the area of origin of the side products present at the disinfection of pool water with the simultaneous use of herbal extracts. Methods: First, we looked at the existing literature on which we based our research. Based on the extracted data we then prepared a simulation of an herbal bath. The heater in the bath provided a steady temperature of 35 °C. The samples were heated in the bath in erlenmeyers and vials. All the samples were being taken out of the herbal bath in predetermined time intervals and were analyzed with the SPME method (samples of the gas phase) or with the liquid/liquid extraction (samples of the liquid phase). The analysis was being taken in both seawater and distilled water. After that, the samples from the liquid phase had to be extracted with dichloromethane, vaporized and then analysed on GS-MS. The samples from the gas phase required no previous preparation. The analysis was being carried out on a gas chromatograph and was followed by an identification of compounds that were made during the process of chlorination. Results: With the experimental work, we proved the occurrence of side products that is produced in the water with the simultaneous use of the disinfection agent and herbal extract, in our case limonene. In all of our samples, taken during the different time periods, we identified 18 different compounds. Disinfection by-products were detected in liquid and gas phase, the liquid phase had more detected compounds. Disinfection by-products were identified in both sea and distilled water. During the chlorination, we identified different oxides, primary, secondary and tertiary products of adding chlorine and primary products of bromination in seawater. Discussion and conclusion: In the samples that were exposed to the addition of chlorine for a longer period, we identified more different compounds than in the samples that were exposed for a shorter period. In the samples that were being taken at a higher temperature, we proved the occurrence of oxides, which were not detected in samples taken at room temperature. In the samples of seawater, we identified the compounds with bromine that were not present in distilled water. In some samples, we identified the emergence of trihalometane.
Secondary keywords: master's theses;sanitary engineering;disinfection by-products;chlorine compounds;bromine compounds;thermal pools;herbal extracts;limonene;disinfection;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za sanitarno inženirstvo
Pages: 64 str.
ID: 16569145