magistrsko delo
Ana Glibota (Author), Lea Pogačnik (Reviewer), Petra Terpinc (Mentor), Jasna Bertoncelj (Co-mentor)


V sklopu magistrskega dela smo želeli preučiti vpliv kaljenja, namakanja, sušenja in kuhanja zrn na vsebnost nekaterih pomembnih komponent ajde, kvinoje in amaranta. V metanolnih ekstraktih smo določili vsebnost prostih fenolov in topnih konjugatov, za določanje vsebnosti vezanih fenolov pa je bila potrebna predhodna alkalna hidroliza rastlinskega matriksa. Posamezne frakcije fenolov smo ovrednotili s pomočjo Folin-Ciocalteujeve metode ter metode DPPH. Vsebnost fitinske kisline smo določili s pomočjo spektrofotometrične metode, za določanje vsebnosti topne in netopne prehranske vlaknine pa smo uporabili encimsko-gravimetrično metodo AOAC 991.43. Med preizkušenimi postopki bi pri vseh treh psevdožitih izpostavili 96 h kaljenje, ki je v zrnih znatno izboljšalo vsebnost in ekstraktibilnost celokupnih fenolov, njihov antioksidativni potencial ter najbolj pripomoglo k hidrolizi fitinske kisline. Kaljenje je precej povečalo vsebnost skupne prehranske vlaknine v ajdi in izboljšalo razmerje med topno in netopno frakcijo. Nadalje bi priporočali tudi 120 min sušenje zrn v pečici, zlasti v primeru prehranske vlaknine v amarantu in zmanjšane vsebnosti fitinske kisline v ajdi in kvinoji. Omenjen režim je precej doprinesel tudi k povečanju vsebnosti celokupnih fenolov in izboljšanju učinkovitosti antioksidantov v vseh treh vrstah psevdožit. Namakanje zrn v vodi se je izkazalo kot nekoliko manj primeren postopek, optimalni pogoji so bili odvisni od vrste psevdožita in preiskovanih parametrov. Kuhanje zrn je praviloma imelo negativen vpliv na večino analiziranih parametrov vseh treh psevdožit in ga zato odsvetujemo.


psevdožita;ajda;kvinoja;amarant;kaljenje;namakanje;sušenje;kuhanje;fenoli;antioksidativni potencial;fitinska kislina;prehranska vlaknina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [A. Glibota]
UDC: 633.1:664.6/.7:641.1:543.2/.9
COBISS: 124411907 Link will open in a new window
Views: 16
Downloads: 8
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimpact of various preparation techniques on some of the important nutritional components of pseudocereals
Secondary abstract: The aim of the study was to analyse the respective impacts of germination, soaking, drying and cooking of grains on the nutritional components of buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth. Methanol extracts were utilised to determine the contents of free phenolic compounds and soluble conjugates, whilst alkaline hydrolysis of the sample plant matrix was necessary for the determination of bound phenolics content. Individual fractions of phenolics were evaluated using the Folin-Ciocalteu and DPPH assays, respectively. The content of phytic acid was determined with spectrophotometric method. The enzyme-gravimetric method AOAC 991.43 was used for the determination of soluble and insoluble dietary fibre contents. Amongst the preparation techniques of all three pseudocereals, the 96-hour germination is to be highlighted, as it substantially improved the content and extractability of total phenolics, their antioxidant potential and most contributed to the hydrolysis of phytic acid. Germination considerably increased the content of total dietary fibre in buckwheat grains and improved the ratio between the soluble and insoluble fractions. Furthermore, the study found that the process of drying the grains in the oven for 120 minutes is beneficial, which is particularly evident in the case of the dietary fibre of amaranth grains, and the decreased content of phytic acid in buckwheat and quinoa. The regimen also benefited in increasing contents of total phenolics and the efficacy of antioxidants in all three sorts of pseudocereals. Soaking of grains in water resulted as slighty less suitable technique as optimal conditions varied between the given pseudocereals and the analysed parameters. Cooking of grains had a negative impact on most of the investigated parameters and is therefore not recommended.
Secondary keywords: pseudocereals;buckwheat;quinoa;amaranth;germination;soaking;drying;cooking;phenols;antioxidative potencial;phytic acid;dietary fibre;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za živilstvo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XI, 78 str.))
ID: 16662103