diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management delovnih procesov
Janez Pavšek (Author), Goran Vukovič (Mentor)


Motivacija je za vsakega posameznika zelo pomemben dejavnik njegovega življenja. Večina ljudi bi na vprašanje, zakaj človek sploh dela, odgovorila, da zato, da zadosti svojim potrebam in potrebam svojih najbližjih in priskrbi denar za preživetje. Ta teorija kaže na to, da bi človek delal toliko, kolikor ima možnosti za zaslužek, vendar v praksi ni tako. Kaj človeka motivira, kaj vpliva na njegovo delovanje in še na vrsto drugih vprašanj, bomo poskušali odgovoriti v tej diplomski nalogi. Naloga je razdeljena na dva dela. V prvem (teoretičnem) delu smo razložili in opisali pojme, povezane z motivacijo. Navedli smo nekaj definicij motivacije, ki jih v svojih delih navajajo različni strokovnjaki. Na kratko smo opisali motive in vrste motivov, opisali nekaj glavnih motivacijskih teorij in motivacijskih dejavnikov. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili podjetje oziroma okolje, kjer se je izvajal empirični del te diplomske naloge, in sicer podjetje Eti Elektroelement d.d. V drugem (empiričnem) delu smo raziskovali, kako se zaposleni v prodaji podjetja Eti d.d. počutijo na delovnem mestu, kako so motivirani za delo ter v nadaljevanju tudi, kaj jih motivira, kakšno delo si želijo. S to diplomsko nalogo želimo predstaviti stanje motiviranosti zaposlenih v prodaji podjetja Eti Elektroelement d.d. in poiskati ključne faktorje, ki vplivajo na njihovo motivacijo in s tem doseči pogoje za njihovo izboljšanje. Raziskava med prodajnim osebjem razkriva, da so jim pomembni tako materialni (nagrade) kot tudi nematerialni dejavniki (stalnost in varnost zaposlitve, medsebojni odnosi, pohvale). Predlagani ukrepi bodo pripomogli k izboljšanju zadovoljstva in motivacije zaposlenih, kar se bo odrazilo v povečanju prodaje podjetja.


motivacija;zadovoljstvo;motivacijske teorije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Kranj
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [J. Pavšek]
UDC: 331.1
COBISS: 7160339 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1219
Downloads: 114
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Motivation is a very important factor in every individual's life. Most people would answer the question why people work with answers such as: satisfaction of people's needs, their family's needs, and for money to survive. This theory shows that a person should work equally to his opportunities for income but it is not like that in practice. What motivates a person, what influences his working, and there are also some more questions we will try to answer in the diploma thesis. The thesis has been divided into two parts. In the first (theoretical) part, we have explained and described the terms connected with motivation. We have stated some definitions of motivation, which some experts have listed in their works. We have described motives and different kinds of motives, described some major motivational theories and motivational factors. We have also described a company and the surrounding where the empirical part of the diploma thesis has taken place, the company Eti Elektroelement d.d. In the second (empirical) part, we have done a research how the employees in the sales department of the company Eti d.d. feel at work, how motivated they are for work and what motivates them, what kind of work they want. We would like to present the state of motivation of the employees in the sales department in the company Eti Elektorielement d.d. in the diploma thesis and we would like to find some key factors that influence their motivation and reach the conditions for their improvement. The research among sales personnel shows that material (awards) and non-material factors (stability and safety of their employment, relationships, praise) are both important for the employees. The suggested measures will help to improve the satisfaction and motivation of the employees what will reflect in the increasing of the company's sale.
Secondary keywords: - motivation;- satisfaction;- motivation theories;- research.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 43 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;labour;employment;work;labour economics;organization of labour;delo;zaposlovanje;sindikati;theory and organization of work;relations between business firms and employees;teorija in organizacija dela;odnosi med podjetji in zaposlenimi;ergonomija;
ID: 16861
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