magistrsko diplomsko delo
Pia Cerar (Author), Aleš Galič (Mentor)


Stranska intervencija je institut, ki posamezniku omogoča udeležbo v tujem postopku zato, da zavaruje lasten pravni interes. Za njegovo vključitev v pravdni postopek je ključen intervencijski interes, katerega vsebino je izoblikovala sodna praksa. Ta je podan, kadar je intervenient z eno izmed strank v materialnopravnem razmerju tako, da utegne sodba posredno vplivati na njegov pravni položaj oz., kadar bi neugodna odločba vplivala na razmerje med njima. Oseba, ki se kot stranski udeleženec v postopek uspešno vključi, lahko praviloma opravlja vsa pravdna dejanja pod pogojem, da so za stranko, ki se ji je v postopku pridružil koristna, jim stranka ne nasprotuje in niso v direktnem nasprotju z njenimi ravnanji. Navedeno je posledica dejstva, da stranski intervenient ni stranka postopka, temveč v pravdi nastopa le kot pomočnik stranke, ki skrbi za njene pravne interese in koristi, pri tem pa posredno varuje lasten pravni položaj. V nalogi Stranska intervencija v novejši sodni praksi ugotavljam, da so procesne določbe na področju stranske intervencije mestoma nejasne in pomanjkljive, zaradi česar je natančnejši pravni položaj, ter pogoje in zahteve, ki jih mora stranski udeleženec za vstop v postopek izpolnjevati, zapolnila in izoblikovala sodna praksa. Naloga se primarno osredotoča na analizo sodne prakse s področja pravdnega postopka, s primerjalno analizo ureditve stranske intervencije na področju upravnih postopkov in krajšo analizo s področja upravnih sporov.


stranska intervencija;stranski intervenienti;stranska udeležba;stranski udeleženci;sodna praksa;pravdni postopek;intervencijski interes;pravni interes;Slovenija;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [P. Cerar]
UDC: 347.921.3(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 131031811 Link will open in a new window
Views: 23
Downloads: 7
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Third party intervention in recent court practice
Secondary abstract: Third party intervention is an institute that enables an individual to take part in third-party proceedings in order to safeguard his own legal interest. Intervention interest, the content of which is shaped by court practice, is crucial for his inclusion in civil proceedings. This interest exists when an intervenor is in such a substantive relationship with one of the parties that the judgement could indirectly affect his legal position, or when an unfavourable court decision could affect the relationship between the two. A person who successfully joins the procedure as an intervenor can generally perform all procedural acts, provided that they benefit the party he joined in the proceeding, the party does not oppose them and that these acts are not directly contrary to the party’s actions. This is the result of the fact that an intervenor is not a party, but only appears in the procedure as the party’s assistant who is responsible for the party’s legal interests and benefits, thereby indirectly protecting his own legal position. In the dissertation Third party intervention in recent court practice I find that the procedural provisions focusing on third party intervention are unclear and deficient in certain parts, thus a more detailed legal position, terms and requirements that the intervenor must meet to enter a proceeding, have been filled and shaped by court practice. This dissertation focuses primarily on the analysis of court practice covering civil proceedings, with a comparative analysis of third party intervention in the field of administrative proceedings, and a short analysis in the field of administrative disputes.
Secondary keywords: third party intervention;intervenors;court practice;civil proceedings;intervention interest;legal interest;Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 35 f.
ID: 17179928