doktorska disertacija
Mojmir Uranjek (Author), Violeta Bokan-Bosiljkov (Mentor), Matjaž Mikoš (Thesis defence commission member), Vlatko Bosiljkov (Thesis defence commission member), Jana Šelih (Thesis defence commission member), Breda Mirtič (Thesis defence commission member), Jelka Pirkovič (Thesis defence commission member), Roko Žarnić (Co-mentor)


Osnovno izhodišče doktorske disertacije je definirati okvire trajnostne obnove stavbne dediščine, predvsem njenega ovoja kot najbolj izpostavljenega stavbnega sklopa. V okviru raziskav smo se osredotočili na poškodbe, ki bi jih lahko na ovoju povzročile podnebne spremembe in potresna obremenitev. V sklopu laboratorijskih preiskav smo načrtovali in preskušali več sestav malt in injekcijskih mešanic na osnovi apnenega veziva z ali brez mineralnih dodatkov, primernih za obnovo in/ali utrjevanje stavbnega ovoja. Rezultati kažejo ugoden vpliv mineralnih dodatkov, kot so apnenčeva moka, žlindra in tuf na lastnosti malt in injekcijskih mešanic. Na opečnih zidkih, grajenih iz dveh malt razvitih v okviru lastnih raziskav, smo ocenili vpliv izmenjujočih se ciklov zmrzovanja/tajanja na trajnost in nosilnost opečnega ovoja. Zidki iz običajne apnene malte in zidki, zgrajeni iz apnene malte z dodano žlindro, so ne glede na poškodbe, brez posledic na mehanske lastnosti sposobni prenesti vsaj 50 ciklov zmrzovanja/tajanja. Po 150-ih ciklih zmrzovanja/tajanja pa se poškodbe odrazijo na zmanjšanju modulov elastičnosti. V okviru in situ preiskav smo ovrednotili kakovost in učinkovitost izbranega utrditvenega trajnostnega posega – sistematičnega injektiranja ovoja kamnite stavbe s cementnimi in cementno-apnenimi injekcijskimi mešanicami. Nelinearna potresna analiza kamnite stavbe, izvedena na osnovi rezultatov in situ preiskav, kaže, da lahko za analizirano vrsto zidov tudi s cementno-apnenimi injekcijskimi mešanicami, ki so za utrjevanje stavbne dediščine primernejše, dosežemo zadostno stopnjo potresne odpornosti.


gradbeništvo;disertacije;stavbna dediščina;propadanje;zamrzovanje;trajanje;trajnostna obnova;utrjevanje;injektiranje;potresna odpornost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Uranjek]
UDC: 624.042.7:69.059:719(043.3)
COBISS: 5622881 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2382
Downloads: 520
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Degradation and sustainable renovation of heritage buildings envelope
Secondary abstract: The aim of the doctoral dissertation was to define the framework for sustainable renovation of heritage buildings, particularly of the building envelope as the most exposed part. The research was focused on the damage that could be caused by climate change or seismic loads. As a part of the laboratory tests, several mortar and injection grout compositions based on calcium binders with or without mineral additives, suitable for renovation and/or strengthening of the building envelope were designed and tested. It was found that mineral additives such as limestone powder, slag and tuff have a beneficial effect of on the properties of mortars and injection grouts. In continuation, the brick wallets were built with developed mortars and the influence of freeze/thaw cycles on their mechanical properties and durability was evaluated. The wallets built with lime or lime-slag mortar were able to withstand at least 50 freeze/thaw cycles without any effect on their mechanical properties, while after 150 freeze/thaw cycles, the damage was reflected in the reduction of modulus of elasticity. In situ test performed on a stone masonry building enabled us to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of grout injection (using cement or cement-lime grouts) as the chosen sustainable strengthening procedure. The results of the performed seismic analysis based on the experimentally obtained mechanical properties of masonry showed, that in the case of the type of walls under consideration, an adequate level of seismic resistance can be achieved also by using combined cement-lime grouts, which are more suitable for strengthening of heritage buildings.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;doctoral thesis;heritage buildings;degradation;freeze/thaw;sustainable renovation;strengthening;grout injection;seismic resistance;Zgodovinske zgradbe;Disertacije;Zaščita;Arhitekturna dediščina;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XXX, 261 str.
ID: 1725409