na poti k enotnemu zdravstvenemu območju
Janja Hojnik (Author)


Prispevek obravnava pravice evropskih pacientov na področju čezmejnega zdravljenja. Izpostavlja omejene pristojnosti EU na področju javnega zdravja, ki je tako pretežno pridržano državam članicam, in pojasnuje, kako je navkljubtemu Sodišče EU uspelo razlagati ekonomske svoboščine notranjega trga EU na ta način, da je priznalo pravice evropskih pacientov iz prava EU. V tem pogledu je zlasti velikega pomena njegova odločitev v zadevi Decker in Kohll iz leta 1998, v kateri je Sodišče EU vzpostavilo alternativni postopek, po katerem so pacienti, ki so bili deležni zdravljenja v drugi državi članici EU brez predhodne odobritve, postali upravičeni zahtevati povračilo stroškov v domači državi zavarovanja. Na tej osnovi prispevek analizira nedavno sprejeto Direktivo 2011/24/EU, ki uzakonja pravico pacientov do zdravljenja v drugih državah članicah EU ter do povrnitve stroškov le-tega iz njihovega zdravstvenega sistema v domači državi. Gre za direktivo, ki vzpostavlja kompromis med zgodovinsko razdrobljenostjo nacionalnih zdravstvenih sistemov in naraščajočimi pravicami državljanov EU iz postega pretoka storitev. Prispevek zaključuje, da se preko sodne prakse Sodišča EU in Direktive 2011/24/EU približujemo viziji ustanovnih očetov EU o enotnem zdravstvenem območju EU, vendar pa popolna uresničitev ni mogoča zaradi razlik med socialnimi sistemi držav članic.


zdravljenje;zdravstveno varstvo;prosti pretok storitev;pravice pacientov;procesne garancije;povrnitev stroškov;Evropska unija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: Slovensko zdravniško društvo
UDC: 339.923:061.1EU
COBISS: 4494635 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-0347
Parent publication: Zdravniški vestnik
Views: 784
Downloads: 44
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Patient's rights in cross-border healthcare within the EU
Secondary abstract: The paper explores European patients’ rights to cross-border healthcare. It discusses limited competences of the EU in the field of public health, which is predominantly reserved for the Member States and explains how the EU Court nevertheless managed to interpret economic freedoms of the EU internal market so as to guar- antee rights for the European patients. A signifi- cant event that was considered a great advance in the field was the judgment of the EU Court in the case of Decker and Kohll in 1998, where it established an alternative procedure by which patients who have received treatment in another member state without previous authorization can demand a reimbursement from the social security system of their country of origin. On this basis, the paper analyses recently adopted Directive 2011/24/EU, which entitles patients to obtain healthcare in any other EU Member State and to have these healthcare costs reimbursed by thehealthcare system in their home country. The directive establishes a compromise between the historic compartmentalisation of the national health systems and the increasing rights of EU citizens deriving from the free movement of services. The paper concludes that by way of the EU Court’s case law and the Directive 2011/24/ EU we are approaching the vision of the found- ing fathers of the EU regarding the common EU health area. Nevertheless, because of the differ- ences among the social systems of the EU Mem- ber States full implementation of this vision is not plausible.
Secondary keywords: cross-border health care;free movement of services;patients’ rights;procedural guarantees;reimbursement;European Union;Directive 2011/24/EU;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 902-912
Volume: Letn. 81
Issue: št. 12
Chronology: dec. 2012
ID: 1726231