Tina Simončič (Author), Andrej Bončina (Author)


S podatki iz ohranjenih gozdnogospodarskih načrtov in iz dveh zaporednih meritev sestojev na stalnih vzorčnih ploskvah (SVP; n = 247) smo analizirali spreminjanje lesne zaloge in debelinske strukture jelke v bohorskih gozdovih (GGO Brežice, GGE Bohor), kjer prevladujejo rastišča acidofilnih bukovih ter bukovih gozdov na karbonatu. Na izbranem območju znotraj GGE Bohor (1,5 * 3,25km) smo na 51 SVP analizirali pomladek po drevesnih vrstah, višinskih razredih in objedenosti. V analiziranem obdobju (1958-2008) se je delež jelke v lesni zalogi gozdnih sestojev opazno spreminjal; v zadnjih tridesetih letih se je delež jelke v skupni lesni zalogi povečal z 10,4 % na 14,1 %. Še opazneje se povečuje delež jelke med tanjšim drevjem s prsnim premerom 10 do 30 cm, saj se je v obdobju 1987-2007 povečal za šest odstotnih točk. V analiziranih gozdovih se jelka obilno pomlajuje (25,1 % celotnega števila pomladka) in uspešno prerašča v višje višinske razrede. Ugotovljena progresija jelke v bohorskih gozdovih je izjema v slovenskem prostoru, zato je objekt vreden podrobnejše raziskave vzrokov za uspešen razvoj jelke. Morebitni razlogi so lahko majhna gostota jelenjadi, rastiščne razmere in način gospodarjenja.


jelka;Abies alba Mill.;Bohor;gozdovi;razvoj gozdov;debelinska struktura;pomlajevanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: Zveza društev inženirjev in tehnikov gozdarstva in lesarstva Slovenije
UDC: 630*18+630*52(045)(497.4 Bohor)=163.6
COBISS: 2536358 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0017-2723
Parent publication: Gozdarski vestnik
Views: 783
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Silver fir in the Bohor forests - an exception on Slovenian scale?
Secondary abstract: The data from the old management plans and the last two inventories on the permanent sampling plots (PSP, n = 247) were used to analyze changes in growing stock and diameter structure of the silver fir in the Bohor forests (Forest Management Region Brežice, Forest Management Unit (FMU) Bohor) where beech forests on acid and carbonate bedrock prevail. Additionally, field surveys of regeneration on the location of 51 PSP were made in the central part of the FMU Bohor (1.5*3.25 square kilometers) in order to analyze tree species composition, height structure, and browsing damages of regeneration. Ashare of silver fir in total growing stock has been changing during the analyzed period 1958-2008; in the last thirty years the share of silver fir in total growing stock has increased from 10.4 % to 14.1 %. Even more striking is an increasing share of silver fir in small diameter trees with diameter at breast height 10-30 centimeter, which has increased by 6 percentage points in the period 1987-2007. Silver fir regeneration is abundant (25.1 % of total number of saplings) and the ingrowth of fir saplings in higher height classes is successful. The progression of the silver fir in the Bohor forests is an exception in Slovenia; therefore a more detailed research of causes for successful silver fir development is worth making. Possible reasons could be low density of red deer, site conditions, and management treatments.
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 3-15
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ68
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: 2010
ID: 1730363
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