Marko Čepon (Author), Mojca Simčič (Author), Špela Malovrh (Author)


Genetic parameters for birth weight (BW), weight at the beginning (WB), in the middle (WM), and at the end of grazing season (WE), as well as weight at the age of one year (WY) were estimated. Data were collected on 319 Charolais calves. The total number of records, including pedigree data (parents and grandparents) was 377 animals. Variance and covariance components were estimated by REML method using the VCE-5 package. The effects of sex, parity and year of birth were included in the models for all traits. Age of calves at the beginning of grazing season was included as linear regression in models for all traits except for birth weight. The age of calves in the middle, at the end of grazing season, and age at approximately one year were included as linear regression in the models for corresponding weights. Direct additive genetic effect was included in models for all traits as random effect. Estimated heritabilities for BW, WB, WM, WE and WY were 0.62+-0.06, 0.23+-0.09, 0.35+-0.08, 0.29+-0.07 and 0.23+-0.07, respectively.


cattle;calves;breeds;Charolais;genetic parameters;body weight;variance;heritability;genetic correlation;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: Biotehniška fakulteta
UDC: 636.2
COBISS: 2410632 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1581-9175
Parent publication: Acta agriculturae Slovenica
Views: 1131
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Genetski parametri za rast pri teletih šarole pasme
Secondary abstract: Ocenjeni so bili genetski parametri za rojstno maso (BW), telesno maso na začetku (WB), sredini (WM) in na koncu pašne sezone (WE) ter ob starosti enega leta (WY). Podatki so bili zbrani na 319 teletih šarole pasme. Skupno število zapisov vključno s podatki o poreklu (starši in stari starši) je bilo 377 živali. Komponente varianc in kovarianc so bile ocenjene z metodo REML in uporabo VCE-5 paketa. Vplivi spola, zaporedne telitve in leta rojstva so bili vključeni v modele za vse proučevane lastnosti. Starost telet na začetku paše je bila kot linearna regresija vključena v modele za vse lastnosti razen v model za rojstno maso. Starost telet na sredini in na koncu paše ter starost ob približno enem letu pa je bila kot linearna regresija vključena v modele za pripadajoče telesne mase. Direktni aditivni genetski vpliv je bil vključen v modele za vse lastnosti kot naključni vpliv. Ocenjene heritabilitete za BW, WB, WM, WE in WY so bile 0,62+-0,06; 0,23+-0,09; 0,35+-0,08; 0,29+-0,07 in 0,23+-0,07.
Secondary keywords: govedo;teleta;pasme;šarole;genetski parametri;telesna masa;varianca;heritabiliteta;genetska korelacija;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 111-117
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ92
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: 2008
ID: 1735691