Aleš Hace (Author), Aleš Polič (Author), Karel Jezernik (Author)


Prispevek posega na področje proizvodne avtomatizacije v okviru prilagodljivih proizvodnih sistemov. Predstavljen je nov mehatronski postopek snovanja krmilja strojev, ki uvaja interdisciplinarni način celovitega načrtovanja strojev, pri katerih so mehanski, elektronski in informacijski vidiki proizvodnega sistema obravnavani sinergijsko. V prispevku je opisan krmilnik rezalnega stroja, ki je zasnovan na porazdeljeni zgradbi krmilja in znovimi postopki snovanja krmilnih funkcij. Zgrajen je na arhitekturi osebnega računalnika z odprtim operacijskim sistemom realnega časa QNX. Siroko razsirjeno grafično okolje Microsoft Windows rabi kot vmesnik človek - stroj. Krmilnik in uporabniški vmesnik sta povezana s protokolom Ethernet TCP/IP in se tako lahko povezujeta tudi na pisarniško raven omrežja avtomatizirane proizvodnje. Za opis logičnih krmilnih funkcij je predstavljena nova metoda, ki temelji na matričnem opisu Petrijevih mrež. Omogoča simulacijo in analizo sistema s čimer se lahko bistveno skrajsa razvojni cikel izdelave krmilja stroja, obenem pa je zdruzljiva s običajnimi načini za programiranje logičnih krmilnikov. Krmilje je tako bolj zanesljivo in učinkovito ter prijazno do uporabnika.


avtomatizacija proizvodnje;mehatronika;mreže Petri;načrtovanje;Petrijeve mreže;rezalno orodje;RNK-PLK;sistemi operacijski časovno realni;sistemi vodenja


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.03 - Short Scientific Article
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: Association of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians of Slovenia et al.
UDC: 658.52.011.56:681.51
COBISS: 7724571 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0039-2480
Parent publication: Strojniški vestnik
Views: 183
Downloads: 42
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂAn ǂadvanced mechatronic approach to open machine-control design
Secondary abstract: This paper addresses the field of factory automation within the scope of flexible production systems. It presents a new mechatronic approach to machinecontrol, which introduces an integrated and interdisciplinary method toholistic machine design. The mechanical, electronic and informatics aspects of a production system are involved synergistically. The paper describes a distributed control architecture for a cutting machine. In addition, it applies a new approach to the development of control functions. The controllerwas built on the open QNX real-time operating system for the PC architecture. The commonly accepted graphical-user-interface environment of Microsoft Windows serves as the front-end of the HMI. The controller and the HMI are interconnected by an Ethernet TCP/IP link that is extended to the office-level of factory automation. A new method for describing logic control functions introduces a modular logic controller that is specified and formalized using a matrix representation of Petri nets. It allows a system simulation and an off-line analysis that can significantly shorten a machine control development cycle. The new method is compatible with standard programming languages for logic controllers. Furthermore, it represents a basis for the design of more efficient, reliable, and user-friendly machine control.
Secondary keywords: factory automation;CNC-PLC;real-time operating systems;embedded systems;Petri nets;avtomatizacija proizvodnje;RNK-PLK;sistemi operacijski časovno realni;sistemi vodenja;mreže Petri;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 469-486
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ50
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ10
Chronology: 2004
ID: 1743779